22 октября 2011 года в22.10.2011 15:13 0 0 10 1


• Nicole Scherzinger - Try With Me•

Now you said, leave your keys on the counter
And you said, call me back at eight
I don't care, that you left me there for hours
That you left me there for hours
But you said, we had what it takes

Why's it feel like you're there
When you're already gone
Why's it feel like you care
When I know that you don't
Everybody needs a chance at love That's all we need
If you wanna have a chance at us
Then try with me
Too proud for love, he tells me
Too hard to give it one more shot
Don't drawl me in, he wants me
But now it's too late to give up
So don't say, you leave your keys on the counter
And don't say, call me back at eight
Why's it feel like you're there

When you're already gone
Why's it feel like you care
When I know that you don't
Everybody needs a chance at love
That's all we need
If you wanna have a chance at us
Then try with me
Don't say a word
You know that it hurts
You know that it hurts
You know that it hurts

Don't say a word
You know that it hurts
You know that it hurts
You know that it hurts

Why's it feel like he's there
When I know that he's gone
Why's it feel like he cares
When I know that he don't
Everybody needs a chance at love
That's all we need
If you wanna have a chance at us
Then try with me

Просто очешуительная песня.

Николь изумительно красива.


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