06 июля 2010 года в06.07.2010 20:08 2 0 10 4


robsten :

1. Favourite pic of Kristen.
2. Favourite Kristen hair colour.
3. Favourite Kristen movie
4. Favourite Kristen outfit
5. The first Kristen movie you saw
6. Picture of Blonde Kristen
7. Picture of Redhead Kristen (ie Interview Magazine 2008)
8. Picture of Black hair Kristen
9. Picture of Brown hair Kristen
10. Picture of Strawberry blonde Kristen (ie. her present hair colour)
11. Favourite Robsten picture
12. Favourite Taysten picture
13. Favourite DakotaStew picture
14. Favourite picture of Kristen’s bitchface
15. Favourite picture of Kristen with someone.
16. Favourite picture of Kristen from 2008
17. Favourite picture of Kristen from 2009
18. Favourite picture of Kristen from 2010
19. JettStew or BellaStew? Why?
20. Favourite picture from a premiere
21. Favourite candid shot
22. Favourite magazine interview and why
23. Favourite tv interview and why
24. Funniest Kristen moment in your opinion
25. Fave video of Kristen
26. A letter to Kristen
27. Your fan experience, or if you haven’t had one what would you say if you met her?
28. Your favourite Kristen quote
29. Your favourite magazine spread
30. Why do you like Kristen?


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