19 октября 2011 года в19.10.2011 15:37 0 0 10 2


Aye, it’s the most beautiful time of the year,
Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer,
I should be playing in the winter snow,
But Ima be under the mistletoe.
I don’t wanna miss out on the holiday,
But I can’t stop staring at your face,
I should be playing in the winter snow,
But Ima be under the mistletoe.
With you, shawty with you,
With you, shawty with you,
With you, under the mistletoe, yeah.
Everyone’s gathering around the fire,
Chestnuts roasting like a hot July,
I should be chillin’ with my folks, I know,
But Ima be under the mistletoe.
Word on the streets Santa’s coming tonight,
Reindeer flying thru the sky so high,
I should be making a list, I know,
But Ima be under the mistletoe.
With you, shawty with you,
With you, shawty with you,
With you, under the mistletoe,
With you, shawty with you,
With you, shawty with you,
With you, under the mistletoe.
Hey love, the Wise Men followed a star,
The way I followed my heart,
And it led me to a miracle.
Aye love, don’t you buy me nothing,
‘Cause I am feeling one thing,
Your lips on my lips,
That’s a Merry Merry Christmas.
It’s the most beautiful time of the year,
Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer,
I should be playing in the winter snow,
But Ima be under the mistletoe.
I don’t wanna miss out on the holiday,
But I can’t stop staring at your face,
I should be playing in the winter snow,
But Ima be under the mistletoe.
With you, shawty with you,
With you, shawty with you,
With you, under the mistletoe.
Sing it again!
With you, shawty with you,
With you, shawty with you,
With you, under the mistletoe, yeah.
Kiss me underneath the mistletoe,
Show me baby that you love me so,
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Kiss me underneath the mistletoe,
Show me baby that you love me so,
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

i love you, fans


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