19 октября 2011 года в19.10.2011 14:05 1 0 10 1


Hurts - Wonderful Life

On a bridge across the Severn on a Saturday night
Susie meets the man of her dreams
He says that he got in trouble and if she doesn't mind
He doesn't want the company
But there's something in the air
They share a look in silence and everything is understood
Susie grabs her man and puts a grip on his hand
As the rain puts a tear in his eye

She says:
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life

Driving through the city to the Temple station
Cries into the leather seat
And Susie knows the baby was a family man
But the world has got him down on his knees
So she throws him at the wall and kisses burn like fire
And suddenly he starts to believe
He takes her in his arms he doesn't know why
But he thinks that he begins to see

She says:
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life

She says:
Don't let go
Never give up
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life

Wonderful life, wonderful life, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful life
Wonderful life, wonderful life, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful life

Don't let go
Don't let go

my gifs

самое любимое

(via maarina)


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