15 октября 2011 года в15.10.2011 10:36 0 0 10 2


Katherine: Are you hungry? Lets stop for a bite. A truck stop, or a trucker…

Damon: Oh Stop being cute.

Katherine: It’s not possible.

Damon: I’ve been driving around aimlessly for hours. Where we going?

Katherine: Far enough away so that you can’t go running back.

Damon: Not to worry. Mystic Falls and I are in a bit of a break.

Katherine: You and Mystic Falls? Or you and Elena?

Damon: Let’s just say Elena and I are having a bit of a difference in opinion on how I should behave.

Katherine: Let me guess. Elena wants you to be the hero…and you don’t like playing pretend.

Damon: Something like that.

Katherine: Her loss. (kisses Damon)

(Damon pushes Katherine off)

Katherine: What are you doing?

Damon: Thought I’d give it a shot. Truth is you just don’t do it for me anymore.



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