13 октября 2011 года в13.10.2011 22:51 1 0 10 1

Lisa Eldridge

Gallery Update - Emma Watson for ELLE

Back in May I had the pleasure of working with the gorgeous and multi talented Emma Watson on this shoot for Elle magazine. I headed over to Paris for the shoot - always a treat in itself - and was thrilled to be working with the Elle team who are all fabulous and one of my favourite photographers, the talented and very funny Rankin. Elle really wanted to give Emma a different look to the one we know her best for. Romantic and soft along with red carpet glamour were strictly off the agenda, and make up, hair and clothes all had to be young, cool and fun!

When we arrived on set in the morning, we had a huge trying on session, with Emma picking out her favourites from a vast wardrobe of fabulous designer numbers. So much fun and surely every girl’s dream!

For the make up, I kept Emma’s skin very fresh, with lots of shimmery highlighter on her cheeks and some shading under her cheekbones. Lips were dressed in a natural stain and eyelids were super sheeny using eye gloss. Emma’s eyes were definitely the focal point of this look and I used layer upon layer of Lancome Hypnose Doll Eyes Mascara to make the lashes look as if they were almost dripping mascara.This way of doing lashes, despite being quite an editorial look, is great for adding a punky edge to any look. This was all topped of with strong, fierce eyebrows to give a graphic element.

I really loved her hair and nails for the shoot too and as for those black bunny ears…don't we all need a set of those?!!

To see a behind the scenes video from the shoot click here.

To see the rest of the images and read Emmas interview… check out the November issue of UK ELLE Magazine.


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