Вот почему так всегда?!вроде ты уже прошел через это, но постоянно возвращаешься.меня это бесит ужасно.почему нельзя просто забыть?!?
You can illustrate your life in romance.I can show you something so much more the words.
In my hands
It's not your best intention now to burn your friends.
This is your last night
This is your last chance
In my hands
Die romantic, romantic
This is the nightmare, we fall asleep.
Die romantic, romantic
This is the nightmare, we die complete.
Tonight's the night and it's all we need now
To die romantic.
I sat and watched you heartbeat fade with every breath,
I watched your lips turn blue.
Your eyes went cold and all,
With all the rest.
I felt the panic
And tried to breath,
Is this happening?
I fucking had it,
God save me please
'Cause I don't think she'll make it through the night.
Die romantic, romantic
This is the nightmare, we fall asleep.
Die romantic, romantic
This is the nightmare, we die complete.
Tonight's the night and it's all we need now
To die romantic.
Die romantic, romantic
This is the nightmare, we fall asleep.
Die romantic, romantic
This is the nightmare, we die complete.
Tonight's the night and it's all we need now
To die romantic.
Your last words to me, "Tonight's the night, "
Meant redemption was only found in books.
Your last words to me, "Tonight's the night, "
Meant redemption was harder then it looks.
So take care of what you love and all this stuff are remnants of a life in shattered glass.
It's all I have to ask.
I miss you.
Miss you.
I miss you.
You can illustrate your death in romance,
I can show you something so much more the words
In my hands.
I felt the dead-end price you pay fro every day.
This is your last night,
Suicide kept tight,
You're gone tonight.
Die romantic, romantic
This is the nightmare, we fall asleep.
Die romantic, romantic
This is the nightmare, we die complete.
Tonight's the night and it's all we need now
To die romantic.
Die romantic, romantic
This is the nightmare, we fall asleep.
Die romantic, romantic
This is the nightmare, we die complete.
Tonight's the night and it's all we need now
To die romantic.
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