у каждого такое бывает. я уверен. и вот такие моменты происходят и у меня. как и у всех. я не понимаю зачем это всё, когда нет полной связи, да и отпусть не можешь, понимаяя что нужна. зачем так переживать, растраиваться, smoke, when I feel so fucking sorrow. But realy, i don`t know, why i`m writing this stupid thing, which will toch u and me after some hours or days. I know only one reason, it`s that i`m full of everything. full of school, with its everyday problems, with no free time for my friends, cause fucking homework just blow my brains. Also I`m full of stories about your ex-boyfriend or who he is, i don`t know. You just can` imagine, how jealous I am. U`ll ask "чему тут ревновать?" or something like that. I don`t know the answer, cause things can happen with no reason or justification. And now i`m thinking that u`ll read it, and I feel that i`m doing something wrong. At the moment I have only this things in my head and have nothing inside. I don`t no why.
Maybe because I need tenderness or love? Or it`s something alse? I don`t know. I only know that I happy with some things that i have, that when u`ll go out from the bathroom, u will read it, and i know that now i`ll do my fucking homework and after will have chat wiht some body (no. I know that I`ll have it only with u) and listening songs, which will suits my mood.