15 сентября 2011 года в15.09.2011 09:38 4 0 10 1

Blondie - Maria

She moves like she don't care
Smooth as silk, cool as air
Ooh it makes you wanna cry
She doesn't know your name
And your heart beats like a subway train
Ooh it makes you wanna die

Ooh, don't you wanna take her?
Ooh, wanna make her all your own?

Maria, you've gotta see her
Go insane and out of your mind
Regina, Ave Maria
A million and one candle lights

I've seen this thing before
In my best friend and the boy next door
Fool for love and fool on fire

Won't come in from the rain
She's oceans running down the drain
Blue as ice and desire

Don't you wanna make her?
Ooh, don't you wanna take her home?

Maria, you've gotta see her
Go insane and out of your mind
Regina, Ave Maria
A million and one candle lights

Ooh, don't you wanna break her?
Ooh, don't you wanna take her home?

She walks like she don't care
Walkin' on imported air
Ooh, it makes you wanna die

Maria, you've gotta see her
Go insane and out of your mind
Regina, Ave Maria
A million and one candle lights

Maria, you've gotta see her
Go insane and out of your mind
Regina, Ave Maria
A million and one candle lights


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