1. First song you heard by them?
2. Favorite demo song?
3. Favorite song from the Light Me Up album?
4. When did you first hear them?
5. What song made you really like the band?
6. Favorite picture containing all four members?
7. Favorite picture of Taylor performing?
8. Have you ever seen them live? If so where?
9. First music video you saw?
10. Favorite music video?
11. Which unreleased demo do you want to be released?
12. Favorite song performed live?
13. Favorite stage outfit of Taylor’s?
14. Favorite member (besides Taylor) ?
15. What is your opinion on Taylor’s wardrobe?
16. What do you think of Taylor showing her boobs on stage?
17. Would you see them live more than once?
18. Which band/artist would you like them to work with?
19. How long have you liked them?
20. Favorite picture of the band performing?
21. If you could attend one of their shows which one would have like to see?
22. Favorite interview?
23. Favorite pair of Taylor’s stripper heels?
24. Do you think Taylor is too young to be acting the way she acts?
25. Least favorite interview?
26. Which song do you like acoustically?
27. Least favorite song?
28. Do your friends like The Pretty Reckless?
29. Would you dress like Taylor?
30. Favorite picture of another member of the band besides Taylor?