04 сентября 2011 года в04.09.2011 18:34 0 0 10 2



Taste me drink my soul, show me all the things that I shouldn't know, when there's a new moon on the rise. I had everything, opportunities for eternity and I could belong to the night.

But here i am and i can't seem to see starlight But I'm too numb to feel right now And here I am watching the clock that's ticking away my time. I'm too numb to feel right now.

I'll drink what you leak And I'll smoke what you sigh Straight across the room with a look in your eye I got a man to the left and a girl to the right Start to sweat so hold me tight.

I'm not listening to you I am wandering right through existance With no purpose and no drive 'cause in the end we're all alive, alive.


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