01 сентября 2011 года в01.09.2011 19:34 0 0 10 4


 300 FAVORITE MOVIES (in no particular order) 47. Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994) Louis: We belong in hell.Lestat: And what if there is no hell, or they don’t want us there? Ever think of that?Louis: But there was a hell, and no matter where we moved to, I was in it.

Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994)

 300 FAVORITE MOVIES (in no particular order) 38. Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) John Smith: That’s the second time you’ve tried to kill me today.Jane Smith: Oh, come on, it was just a little bomb.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)

 300 FAVORITE MOVIES (in no particular order) 33. The Mask (1994) “SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSMOKIN’!”

The Mask (1994)

 300 FAVORITE MOVIES (in no particular order) 30. The Fifth Element (1997) “Me fifth element - supreme being. Me protect you.”

The Fifth Element (1997)

 300 FAVORITE MOVIES (in no particular order) 29. Kate & Leopold (2001) “Maybe that whole love thing is just a grown-up version of Santa Claus; just a myth we’ve been fed since childhood. So, we keep buying magazines, joining clubs, and doing therapy and watching movies with hit pop songs played over love montages all in a pathetic attempt to explain why our love Santa keeps getting caught in the chimney.”

Kate & Leopold (2001)

 300 FAVORITE MOVIES (in no particular order) 27. Sleepy Hollow (1999) “Villainy wears many masks, none of which so dangerous as virtue…”

Sleepy Hollow (1999)

 300 FAVORITE MOVIES (in no particular order) 24. Mindhunters (2004) Gabe: The island. The middle of nowhere. They’re all professionals. What’s the point?Harris: The point is that they’re isolated, alone, and forgotten. That’s what it’s like to be in the mind of a sociopath.

24. Mindhunters (2004)

 300 FAVORITE MOVIES (in no particular order) 19. The Crow (1994) “People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can’t rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right.”

The Crow (1994)

 300 FAVORITE MOVIES (in no particular order) 18. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010) “A great man who would have stopped what he knew to be wrong, no matter who was ordering it. “

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)

 300 FAVORITE MOVIES (in no particular order) 15. The Shining (1980) “Some places are like people: some shine and some don’t.”

The Shining (1980)

 300 FAVORITE MOVIES (in no particular order) 14. Léon (1994) Mathilda: Is life always this hard, or is it just when you’re a kid? Leon: Always like this.

Léon (1994)

 300 FAVORITE MOVIES (in no particular order) 12. The Silence of the Lambs (1991) “Well, Clarice - have the lambs stopped screaming?”

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

 300 FAVORITE MOVIES (in no particular order) 10. From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) “I may be a bastard, but I’m not a fucking bastard”

From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)

Автор: foxyfoxy


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