20 июня 2010 года в20.06.2010 13:23 0 0 10 1

They look after you
They do stupid things with you
They laugh with you about funny things
They give you the feeling that you are wanted and respected

Friends look after each other and protect each other
They will help you when you're down
And make you feel like you're someone important
And you will do the same, if they are true pals

They'll spend a lot of their free time with you
Playing and doing whatever comes to mind
They can talk about private things and feel that their secrets are safe with you
And you can trust them to the bitter end

You'll have a lot of good experiences if you have some good friends
You'll learn a lot of invaluable lessons
You'll have the best time in your life
And you'll never want to stop being friends

And there is a chance that some friendships can grow to love
There is a chance that there is that special someone
But that's not important
Because friends are already special to you

You'll feel more wanted
You'll do a lot of stupid and funny things
Life will get a lot better and much more fun
even if you only have 1 friend

Because that's the friend that you know will always be there for you


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