28 августа 2011 года в28.08.2011 23:17 1 0 10 1


Why I ship 2min

  • Because Minho once told Taemin, “Taemin-ah, you know you only have me right?” Audio. (a pity the video with eng subs have been removed D :)
  • Because Minho said so himself that he loves to take care of Taemin and he means a lot to him.
  • Because Taemin told Minho to love him even more.
  • Because Minho gets really touchy around Taemin. He plays a lot around Jonghyun and Key but the one he genuinely likes to stick to is Taemin. (E.g. Radio Show & Idol Sports Day)
  • Because they look so hot dancing salsa together. Not to mention during their training, Minho almost fell on top of Taemin really suggestively.
  • Because after their salsa dancing, Minho said it made their Hyung-dongsaeng relationship more “intimate” and Taemin blushed really hard.
  • Because Minho likes to touch Taemin’s thighs.
  • Because Minho has given only Taemin a love bite and no other member has received any from him.
  • Because Taemin always looks anxious and worried when Minho’s competing during Dream Team.
  • Because Taemin instantly ran to Minho when Minho overcame that height obstacle during DT. And they had that SUPER AMAZING epic koala hug.
  • Because Taemin ran to hug Minho even when the DT cast crew tried to stop Taemin. Nothing keeps 2 lovers apart aryte.
  • Because Minho had only ever had a koala hug with Taemin. No one else.
  • Because 2min moments, mostly the precious ones are always caught on fancams only.
  • Because Minho likes to touch Taemin’s waist, more than any other member’s waist.
  • Because Minho piggybacked Taemin without a warning but Taemin still let Minho carry him up as if it’s the most natural thing.
  • Because Taemin likes to sit on Minho’s lap. I’ve seen this 2 times… There might be more. And there was once where Taemin sat on Minho’s lap even when there were empty seats available.
  • Because Minho once caressed Taemin’s neck during a fanmeeting. The way his hand moves painfully and slowly down from Taemin’s cheek to his neck gives me goosebumps every time.
  • Because Minho is the only one who helps Taemin find his stuff when he loses things.
  • Because when Taemin was asked what was the first impressions of his members… He turned his head and looked at Minho immediately and described how he was at awe of how big Minho’s frog eyes were. Minho obviously left the biggest first impression on Taemin.: &rsquo ;)
  • Because Minho was really shy when he first met Taemin. He stuttered when he talked to Taemin.
  • Because Minho has chosen Taemin at least twice in his interviews when asked which member he would date.
  • Because Minho is always guiding Taemin where to go and what to do.
  • Because Minho likes to pinch Taemin’s cheek. (During Hello Baby and some concert)
  • Because Minho likes to throw Taemin up in the air. It’s countless how many times he’s done that.
  • Because when Taemin felt dizzy after all that spinning during Star King, Minho picked him up instantly by his waist and carried him to his seat.
  • Because Minho couldn’t keep a straight face when Taemin was doing that suggestive dance move where he moves his crotch up and down on the dance floor.
  • Because Minho has fed Taemin with his own hand.
  • Because Minho has patted Taemin’s butt for countless of times. He likes to touch Taemin’s butt more than any other member’s.
  • Because Taemin has piggybacked Minho before (during the Lucifer era where Minho injured his ankle.)
  • Because during Hello Baby, Taemin, Minho and Yoogeun looked like a complete family.
  • Because both Yoogeun and Taemin handfed Minho sweets.
  • Because Minho likes to whisper to Taemin the most.

  • Because Minho blushed when Taemin patted his chest lovingly.
  • Because they’re always eyefucking each other on stage.
  • Because they looked into each other’s eyes lovingly when they sang “Together make it love, forever making your smile” on stage.
  • Because they like to sing to each other on stage.
  • Because Minho likes to ruffle Taemin’s hair.
  • Because Taemin sang and danced for Minho during Dream Team and Minho danced along beside Taemin.
  • Because Minho was the head cheerleader for Taemin in the most recent dream team. He came up with the cheer.
  • Because Minho likes to keep Taemin to his side. If Taemin isn’t near, he pulls him closer.
  • Because Minho likes to help fix Taemin’s hair.
  • Because Minho has been seen fixing and buttoning Taemin’s shirt lots of times.
  • Because Minho seems to be worried about how Taemin looks on stage. On one fancam, when the makeup artist was helping Taemin with his makeup, Minho was beside Taemin the whole time checking whether he looks presentable enough.
  • Because Minho likes to hi-5 Taemin the most.
  • Because Minho likes to hold Taemin’s hand the most.
  • Because Minho likes to touch Taemin’s cheek.
  • Because Minho likes to use Taemin as his personal armrest..
  • Because 2min’s laughter is always at sync, or rather, they laugh at the same stuff.
  • Because during DT, even tho Minho was really eager to win the race, he stopped and helped Taemin during that boat race.
  • Because Minho is always hugging Taemin from the back.
  • Because Minho is always putting his arms around Taemin’s neck from the back, front and side.
  • Because Minho lets Taemin sleep by using his arm to support Taemin’s head.
  • Because Taemin accidentally brushed his lips against Minho’s during their DT koala hug.
  • Because Minho is undeniably the closest to Taemin in SHINee.
  • Because Taemin loves Minho.
  • Because Minho loves Taemin.
  • Because the above 2 are undeniable facts.
  • Because this list can go on forever and you guys will get bored reading it.
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