26 августа 2011 года в26.08.2011 16:06 2 0 10 1


How the time passed away,
All the trouble that we gave
And all those days we spent out by the lake
Has it all gone to waste?
All the promises we made
One by one they vanish just the same

Of all the things I still remember
Summer's never looked the same
The years go by and time just seems to fly by
But the memories remain

In the middle of September
we'd still play out in the rain,
Nothing to lose
But everything to gain.
Reflecting now on
How things could've been
It was worth it in the end

Now it all seems so clear,
There's nothing left to fear
So we made our way
By finding what was real
Now the days are so long
That summer's moving on…
We reach for something
That's already gone

Of all the things I still remember
Summer's never looked the same
The years go by and time just seems to fly by
But the memories remain

In the middle of September
we'd still play out in the rain,
Nothing to lose
But everything to gain.
Reflecting now on
How things could've been
It was worth it in the end

We knew we had
To leave this town
But we never knew when
And we never knew how
We would end up here
The way we are
Yeah we knew we had
To leave this town
But we never knew when
And we never knew how

Of all the things I still remember
Summer's never looked the same
The years go by and time just seems to fly by
But the memories remain

In the middle of September
we'd still play out in the rain,
Nothing to lose
But everything to gain.
Reflecting now on
How things could've been
It was worth it in the end

(via lanaunknown:dawson :)


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