Non-Core TVD Characters I Stan | Liz Forbes
Sheriff Forbes is the motherfucking best general. She is straight up HBIC. I cannot stress how interesting I find this woman as a character. She is constantly ridiculed by everyone, mocked to her face but she still carries on. She is first and foremost a general leading a battle against these creatures, vampires, she doesn’t even know much about, but she is willing to learn. Time and time again, without much thought to herself she throws herself in the heat of the battle to save the town. Yes, Damon beguiles her but she learns better. She is so fucking human in her narrative that I want to cry for her. Her relationship with her daughter isn’t the best, most of her colleagues mock her for not being a “Southern belle” and she is so alone. I want to learn more about you, Liz, and what drives you. I want to know more about this woman who seems to live and breathe and show her identity through her uniform and who just fucking loves so much and I want you to win this war you didn’t cause but fight anyways.