Ну вот.. Надеюсь, что у меня могут появиться новые друзья.. Очень надеюссь.. Как мне кажется не странно, то что я человек каторый любит что-то оригинальное.. Тоесть по своей деятельности.. Я театральный художник.. Скоро закончу свой коледж.. Тоесть кароче я рисую.. и можно так сказать неплохо.. как говорят..
Ну вот как то так.. Ещё я как бы так сказать, хорошо разбираюсь в иностранной современной молодёжной неформальной музыке.. Среди моих кумиров.. Только не пугайтесь: 1 Giant Leap, Astor Piazolla, Serart, Apocalyptica, Baby James Harvest, Gabin, Tom Waits, Amy Winehouse, Duffy, Aphrodite, Chemical Brothers, Prodigy, 7e Phalanx, Aphex Twin, Autopsy Protocol, Igorrr, Kaebin Yield, Sedarka, UndaCova, Venetian Snares, Xanopticon, Asian Dub Foundation, Pendulum, Beefcake, Faithless, Merzbow, Moby, Gorillaz, Massive Attack, Rob Dougan, The Horrors, The Vines, The White Stripes, A.Human, Baumer, Beck, Block Party, Boards of Canada, Burial, Dirty Vegas, Dune, Kasabian, Keane, Klaxons, Mew, Passion Pit, Presto Descanto, The Rapture, Turboweekend, Unkle, Warren Suicide, Husky Rescue, A — Ha, Barcelona, Coldplay, Doug Walker, Forever Like Red, Grammatics, Halloween, Alaska, Stars of Track and Field, The Reign Of Kindo, Thirteen Senses, 80th Disorder, Arctic Monkeys, Baby Shambles, Band of Horses, Blur, Cut Off Your Hands, Fields, Glasvegas, Hard-Fi, Hoosiers, Hot Gossip, Kaiser Chiefs, Kings Of Leon, Mando Diao, Muse, Oasis, One Night Only, PJ Harvey, Placebo, Queens Of The Stone Age, Radiohead, Razorlight, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Starsailor, The Cloud Room, The Dead Weather, The Fratellis, The Gossip, The Kooks, The Last Shadow Puppets, The Legends, The Rascals, The Rifles, The Sunshine Underground, The Verve, Travis, Diego, Editors, Fanfarlo, The Airborne Toxic Even, The National, Depeche Mode, Interpol, She Wants Revenge, The Killers, These New Puritans, Everything Is Made In China, Moscow Olympics, Oracles Always Lie, Russian Circles, Sholi, Silence Kit, The Appleseed Cast, The Hope Avenue, Vessels, What Seas, What Shores, Protest The Hero, Scars on BroadWay, Serj Tankian, Switchkicker, System Of A Down, Abby Martin, At The Throne Of Judgment, Job For A Cowboy, Suicide Silence, Days In December, Emery, Heavy Heavy Low Low, I Set My Friends On Fire, Iwrestled A Bear Once, Rolo Tomassi, The Number Twelve Looks Like You, Divide The Sky, Korn, Slipknot, Stone Sour, The Armed, Walls Of Jericho, Azriel, Archive, Bring Me The Horizon, Pleymo, Static X, Steven Wilson, Bulb, Duck Duck Goose, Love Lost But Not Forgotten, Psyopus, Test Switch Isolator, The Crinn, The Heartland, Architects, As I Lay Dying, Bullet For My Valentine, Deftones, Element Eighty, Emmure, Metallica, Miss May I, Staind, The Devil Wears Prada, Garbage, Nirvana, Queen, U2, Fightstar, Incubus, Innerpartysystem, Nickelback, No Doubt, Pitchblend, Rasmus, Re;Zound, Sullivan, The Fray, These Green Eyes, This Providence, Vast, 30 Seconds To Mars, AlexisOnFire, Dead And Divine, Emarosa, Enter Shikari, Sky Eats Airplane, Underoath, We Are The Emergency, A Day To Remember, Afi, Gallows, Good Charlotte, I Am Error, Lostprophets, Mindless Self Indulgence, Offspring, Papa Roach, Rise Against, Three Days Grace, Crazytown, Ill Nino, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, P.O.D., Shellshock, Atack Atack, Alesana, All Shall Perish, Asking Alexandria, Bleeding Through, Callahan, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Sky Eats Airplane, Sparkle Of Hope, The Bled, The Cassidy Scenario, August Burns Red, The Cab, The Abbasi Brothers, Breathe Carolina, Brokencyde, Metro Station, Secret Handshake, Inhale Exhale, Blueneck, CtrlAltDelete, Don Caballero, I See Stars, Ayiesha Woods, Chiodos, The Venetia Fair, Everyone Dies In Utah, Memphis May Fire, Chelsea Grin, We Came As Romans, Groove Armada, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Of Mice & Men, War From A Harlots Mouth, The Word Alive, Regina Spektor, Heaven Shall Burn, Blotted Science, Between The Buried And Me, Eric Harry, See You Next Tuesday, Viatrophy, The Scarabeusdream, Cry For Silence, John Zorn, Down I Go, As The Plot Thickens, Anaal Nathrakh, Foals, Manafest, Fantastic.. На севодня обо мне пака всё.. ещё увидемся..