1. Favorite season.
2. Least favorite season.
3. Favorite Female character.
4. Favorite male character.
5. Least favorite female character.
6. Least favorite male character.
7. Favorite episode.
8. Favorite couple.
9. least favorite couple.
10. Favorite quote.
11. Favorite spell.
12. Favorite power.
13. Chris or Wyatt.
14. Most shocking moment.
15. One thing you hate about Charmed.
16. Favorite scene from Charmed.
17. Favorite Charmed finale.
18. Favorite Charmed actor/actress.
19. Demon you hate the most.
20. What do you love the most about Charmed.
21. Favorite omg moment.
22. Something you wished happened but didn’t.
23. Who’s job do you like the most.
24. Throughout all the seasons who changed the most.
25. If there happened to be a Charmed season 9 what would you like to see happen in it.
26. The character that is most like you.
27. Favorite friendship.
28. If you could bring back anyone who died who would it be.
29. Favorite cop that helped the Charmed ones.
30. Favorite part in forever Charmed.