22 августа 2011 года в22.08.2011 10:27 2 0 10 1

What are your 5 favorite bands?
1. Avenged Sevenfold
2. Linkin Park
3. 30 STM
4. Dope Stars Inc.
5. Muse

BAND I. Avenged Sevenfold
Who is the lead singer?


Is this your favorite band?

Да: 3

Have you seen them in concert?

Нет, ибо они к нам не приезжают: О

What is your favorite album by them?

Avenged Sevenfold

Your 5 favorite songs by them:

A little piece of heaven, Save me, Tonight the world dies, Critical Acclaim, Afterlife.

BAND II. Linlin Park

When did you first hear about them?

в 6 лет)

And how?

круто :D

Did anybody in the band die?


Favorite album?


5 favorite songs:

Breaking the habit, Numb, What I've Done, Bleed It Out, Iridescent


Who is their lead guitarist?

не знаю :D \посмотрела\ Шеннон Лето о_о

Have you seen them in concert?

Нет хО

How many CDs do you own by them?

я их никогда не покупаю :D

Favorite album?

A Beautiful Lie

5 favorite songs:

The Kill, Vox Populi, Hurricane, Attack, A Beautiful Lie

BAND IV. Dope Stars Inc.

Have you ever met them?Да неет.: \

Would you like to tour with them?

не знаю, они страшные какие-то о_о

What was the last song you listened to by them?

не помню, но скорее всего It's Today <3

Favorite album?

21st Century Slave

5 favorite songs:

It's Today, Make a Star, Just The Same For You, Lost, Can You Imagine

BAND V. Muse

How long have they been around?

не знаю о_о

Did anyone introduce you to them?

ну, я не знаю точно, но то ли я брата подсадила, то ли он меня :D \наверно всё-таки первое\

Why do you like them?

Никогда не умела подобное объяснять)

Favorite album?

The Resistance

5 favorite songs:

Resistance, Uprising, MK Ultra, Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever), United States of Eurasia



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