11 августа 2011 года в11.08.2011 21:16 0 0 10 1

Day 1 Clue
How many breeds of owl are featured on the Eeylops Owl Emporium sign?
Answer: 5
Multiply this number by 49.
Solution: 245

Day 2 Clue
What is the number of the chapter in which Professor McGonagall cancels the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff?
Answer: 14
Multiply this number by 42.
Solution: 588
(Note: if you read the Day 2 clue in a language other than English you would have been asked to multiply the answer by a different number to ensure you saw the right language page.)

Day 3 Clue
In the Gryffindor versus Slytherin Quidditch match, in Harry’s third year, how many points is Gryffindor leading by before Harry catches the Golden Snitch?
Answer: 60
Multiply this number by 35.
Solution: 2100

Day 4 Clue
How many students take part in the Triwizard Tournament during Harry’s fourth year?
Answer: 4
Multiply this number by 28.
Solution: 112

Day 5 Clue
What is the house number of the Headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix in Grimmauld Place?
Answer: 12
Multiply this number by 21.
Solution: 252

Day 6 Clue
How many chapters are there in HARRY POTTER and the Half-Blood Prince? 

Answer: 30
Multiply this number by 14.
Solution: 420

Day 7 Clue
How many Deathly Hallows are there?
Answer: 3
Multiply this number by 7.
Solution: 21


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