07 августа 2011 года в07.08.2011 11:19 0 0 10 1

" 4minute's Hyuna is from Wonder Girls and G.NA used to be the leader for a group called 5 Girls.
BEAST's Kikwang went solo, Hyunseung was eliminated from Big Bang and Doojoon was eliminated from 2PM and 2AM (Oneday). They're all kids that were tagged with '2nd place'.
Seeing them made my heart hurt and I felt responsible. Of course they could have been eliminated because they lack certain things, but I think that's only subjective to perspective.
Just because someone else doesn’t want them doesn’t mean they don’t fit well here.
And being in this industry for over 20 years, I’ve learned that skills aren’t everything. Passion is important.
Kids that have already gone through hardships have a different kind of determination and are stronger in the face of adversity
. "

- Hong Seungsung (Cube Ent. CEO)
(Cr: Trans. by hazyfiasco@2ONEDAY forum)

Cube Ent. = the company that always gives people second chances to follow their dreams.
THIS is why Cube is my favorite company and why I have so much respect for them.
Thank you Papa Hong for your nurturing father figure over these AMAZING artists and for giving them hope.
4nias, B2UTIES, and G.NIs are very grateful and appreciate it more than you know. :)
United Cube family hwaiting! ♥


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