03 августа 2011 года в03.08.2011 18:17 1 0 10 1

Just driving down the road minding my own business when I see the sleek car that belongs to a one Miss Demi Lovato. The sun is setting and the air is warm. I pull over and get my cameras ready to make her fans very, very happy. I can only hope that she looks great and is ready to be photographed. I walk by a window of a hair salon and I see her looking perfect. Yay!!! As I wait to speak with her and photograph her, I think about her fans and how happy they will to see her looking and feeling good again. We all wish that for her. A few quick pics and then a quick “Thank You” and “Drive Careful” and the pretty crooner is blasting off into the sunset with the top down looking like a model in a commercial….


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