03 августа 2011 года в03.08.2011 15:52 0 0 10 1

Conan O’Brien: Now, one of the things that you have to deal with is the Twilight fans, and I’m sure you’re very grateful, but they’re a little intense. These people, they love, they love love love the movies and the books and they love you. What is it like when you bump into these people ?

Kristen: Um, it can be a little crazy, I mean, it’s always… It’s awesome because I’m so used to do tiny movies that nobody’s care about, so like… The only reason I do this is to share it with people and it’s like the coolest thing ever but they get a little nutsy. When they start crying and you don’t know what to do with yourself and you’re like . You just like offer like your hand or a hug or something but maybe that’s too much, maybe that’s gonna freak them out or- I’m just as nervous as they are so I just want to say like “Woah ! I can totally relate to you. I so know the feeling are going like”

Conan: So you wanna connect with them but it’s tough because they break down crying and they probably want something from you but it’s nothing that you can… It’s not enough to say “It’s nice to meet you too”

Kristen: Yeah, I know. I want to going like this whole thing about like “I know, I mean I think that I understand why you’re freaking out, it’s such a good book, right ?” but like, you’ve never have the opportunity to like have a follow conversation so… a nice pat and you just feel like an horrible person walking away like, not giving them your shoes or something “What size are you ? I’m gonna give you my shoes”


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