02 августа 2011 года в02.08.2011 21:54 1 0 10 2


Not gonna miss you when you're dead and gone.
Not gonna talk about you over and over and over.
Not gonna find you under latest nostalgia, not happily ever after.
Not gonna listen 'til you play that song (play that song).
Don't wanna think about you over and over and over.
Not gonna read about the latest fads on your trendy blog,
I want nothin' to do with that.

'Cause you've made a mess of everything,
And I'm not listening.

You're not a hero, you're a liar.
You're not a savior, you're a vampire.
Sucking the life out of all the friends you've ever known.
You're just a trainwreck, not a winner.
Up on your soap box preaching down to the sinners.
The saints went out because we're not listening.

I'm gonna a start a revolution,
Of convoluted disillusion.
I'll need a war with no conclusion,
And in the final hour I'll be a confident coward.

'Cause if we stand for nothing, we'll fall for anything.

You're not a hero, you're a liar.
You're not a savior, you're a vampire.
Sucking the life out of all the friends you've ever known.
You're just a trainwreck, not a winner.
Up on your soap box preaching down to the sinners.
The saints went out because we're not listening.

Now this is moving in the same direction,
But I'm a little too spent to care.
'Cause it's a battlefield 'til it blows over,
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
The time is now 'til we live and pass out, singin'
We talk shit like it's a clause to bare.
You're only wrong until you get older,
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

They're gonna miss me when I'm dead and gone.
They're gonna talk about me over and over and over.
They're gonna find me under latest nostalgia, happily ever after.

But I'm not a hero, I'm a liar.
I'm not a savior, I'm a vampire.
Sucking the life out of all the friends I've ever known.
We're a trainwreck, not winners.
On a soap box preaching down to the sinners.
The saints went out because we're not listening, we're not listening.

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