02 августа 2011 года в02.08.2011 18:06 0 0 10 1

Super Junior - Storm

Stop talking
I hate myself for knowing everything
Before you even opened your mouth

I wanted to lie and run away but
Your two eyes are telling me goodbye

*I finally set my heart to leave
And it came to me like a harsh storm
It might be a fate that will wash away like the rain
Because it was more painful than a fate shattered like glass
At the end of this walk, I let you know but you wouldn’t know

Stop crying
I hate myself for knowing everything
Before I get wet with your tears

I tried to lie and avoid it but
Your two eyes are telling me goodbye

**I finally set my heart to leave
And it came to me like a harsh storm
It might be a fate that will wash away like the rain
I was sick with a love fever
The meaning of these tears trickling to my dried lips- you’ll never know

Don’t try too hard to get far away
My body has already broken into pieces just like you wanted
I can’t go a step closer to you

*I finally set my heart to leave
And it came to me like a harsh storm
It might be a fate that will wash away like the rain
Because it was more painful than a fate shattered like glass
At the end of this walk, I let you know but you wouldn’t know

I was sick with a love fever
The meaning of these tears trickling to my dried lips- you’ll never know


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