02 августа 2011 года в02.08.2011 18:04 0 0 10 1

Good Friends (Translation Lyric)

I was so tense the first day. I wasn’t able to say anything.
At that time I never thought we would have so many days together.
Before we knew it.

We were rookies. We even showed off.
At that time I never thought we would get to know one another in this way.
Before we knew it.

*Plenty was shared between us Oh~Oh~ the sweat, the tears, the secrets.
I am even able to love the times we hated each other. Before we knew it.
We can’t be separated. I’m going to miss you, I’m going to yearn for you. I love my friends.
I will never forget, give me a hug, don’t ever forget me, don’t change.

My face would turn red. I was about to give up everything.
However, we didn’t ever let go of each others hands.
I was so thankful then.
Before we knew it..
Before we knew it.

*Repeat Chorus

There will come a day when we will have to separate. Oh~Oh~
We might not be able to see one another.
When that happens, our memories will give us strength until the day we are able to meet again.
Nananananananana~ Before we knew it.

We can’t be separated. I’m going to miss you, I’m going to yearn for you. I love my friends.
I will never forget, give me a hug, don’t ever forget me. I love you


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