01. First Johnny Depp movie you saw
02. Favorite Johnny Depp movie
03. A Johnny Depp TV appearance that you love
04. A random fact about Johnny Depp
05. Favorite Johnny Depp & Tim Burton movie
06. Favorite Johnny Depp Disney/Kids movie
07. Favorite episode of Johnny in 21 Jump Street
08. Favorite Johnny Depp co-star?
09. Favorite character that Johnny has played
10. What would you say if you wrote a letter to Johnny Depp?
11. Favorite scene from your favorite Johnny Depp movie
12. Least Favorite Johnny Depp movie
13. A Johnny Depp gif
14. A picture of Johnny Depp that you love
15. Favorite character quote
16. Favorite candid picture
17. Have you listened to his old band The Kids or any of his other music, and if so, what are your opinions of it?
18. Favorite character costume?
19. Favorite Johnny Depp quote?
20. A scene where you can’t stop laughing
21. Favorite song in Sweeney Todd
22. Have you ever seen a Johnny Depp movie that you didn’t like? If so, why didn’t you like it?
23. Favorite piece of his jewelry or favorite accessory of his?
23. Favorite Johnny Depp thriller?
24. Are there any Johnny Depp movies that you haven’t seen but really want to see?
25. Favorite Johnny Depp Fanart?
26. Favorite candid photo of Johnny
27. Which Johnny Depp movies do you own, and which do you now own but want to own?
28. Best on-screen chemistry with a co-star?
29. An award you think Johnny should have won but didn’t?
30. Why do you like Johnny Depp?
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