30 июля 2011 года в30.07.2011 14:25 1 0 10 1

Monica: Alright, I’m gonna show you something a lot of guys don’t know. Rach, give me that pad, please?
Chandler: Look, you don’t have to draw an actual-wow! She’s hot!
Monica: Now everybody knows the basic erogenous zones. You got one, two three, four, five, six, and seven.
Chandler: There are seven?!
Rachel: Let me see that. Oh, yeah.
Chandler: That’s one?
Monica: It’s kind of an important one!
Chandler: Oh, you know what, I was looking at it upside down.
Rachel: Well, sometimes that helps.
Monica: Now, most guys will hit one-two-three and then go to seven and set up camp.
Chandler: That’s bad?
Rachel: Well, if you go to Disneyland, you don’t spend the whole day on the Materhorn.
Chandler: Well you might if it were anything like seven!
Monica: Alright, the important thing is to take your time, you want to hit them all, and you mix them up. You gotta keep them on their toes.
Rachel: Oh, toes! Well, for some people.
Monica: Alright. You could uh start out with a little one, two, one-two-three, three, five, four, three-two, two, two-four-six, two-four-six, four, two, two, four-seven, five-seven, six-seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven!

Friends 4.11 - The One With Phoebe’s Uterus


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