28 июля 2011 года в28.07.2011 07:18 0 0 10 1
Aria: How many times do we have to put her away? It’s like burying Alison all over again. Every time we start to make peace with it someone has to go and say something ugly about her death, about her life. The kind of people who move on and gawk at the next tragedy.
Jason: Well if I was a stranger I’d be fascinated with the dark details.
Aria: That’s us. Her brother, her friends, we’re the dark details… Why come back? Why live in that house all by yourself?
Jason: Was just trying to put the pieces together. I was looking for something.
Aria: You still don’t know who wrote that note… What if it has to do with what happened that night?
Jason: I have my answer.
Aria: But Ian… What if he didn’t—
*Jason interrupts*
Jason: No “what if’s, ” Ian confessed. Look, for now on I need to figure out how to be happy and… I’d like to do that here.


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