26 июля 2011 года в26.07.2011 22:10 2 0 10 3

КОРОЧЕ, когда у меня будет гавно-настрой я буду пересматрвиать зачарованных!! ну это ж нереально их без смеха смотреть. любимые *__*

Phoebe: So much has happened over the last eight years. So much has been gained and lost. Still in some ways I feel like my life is really just beginning. And it was, for though I had loved before, I hadn’t really known love until I met Coop. A man who I shared the special little girl I had long ago forseen, but feared I might never have. Along with two other special little girls I had not forseen. I was suddenly so blessed to have a new family of my own, and old friends to share it with. And though I kept working and giving advice to those who asked, I was more interested in helping them find love, since finally having been loved. Paige: Phoebe had become somewhat of an expert on the subject. As for me? Life without demons opened up similar avenues. Henry of course continued to look after his parolees, even if they didn’t want to be looked after, while still making time to help me with little Henry and the twins. Which allowed me time to finally embrace my inner white-lighter, and to help the next generation of witches come into their own. Piper: So that Paige could pass on all that she’d learned, not just to her own children or to mine or to Phoebe’s, but to other future witches and white-lighters as well. Which filled the time between when we were doing the fighting, and when our kids were old enough to take over. Allowing me time to get back to my roots and cook something other than potions for once, and open the restaurant I’d always dreamed of owning. As for Leo, after we reclaimed magic school he went back to teaching. Which he continued to do until it was time to retire. And although we certainly had our struggles and heartaches over the years, we’re a family of survivors and we will always be. Which is why we’ve truly been charmed.


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