26 июля 2011 года в26.07.2011 14:38 0 0 10 2




My Harry Potter Challenge.

День 8: Любимый несуществующий пейринг.


feltontom: Close enough to start a wall; all that I have is on the floor.

А вы уверены, что готовы слушать мои речи ахах? Ну тогда поехали.

“Not just any memory, a very happy memory, a very powerful memory…allow it to fill you up…lose yourself in it.” ** Draco closed his eyes as he sifted through the many pages of memories of the past in his mind. He breathed in the petrifying air around him as he struggled to find the perfect one, something that made him happy as ever. Then he remembered something. A time where he witnessed happiness in human form, with a figure so graceful and free and the sound of her laughter that turned that moment into true bliss. Hermione Granger, a person he though he hated, shot a beautiful smile just 5 meters away from him. That time when the Weasley’s were on their broomsticks blasting firecrackers or whatnot in the air, Hermione forgot all about what Draco had done in the past and simply enjoyed the moment and acknowledged him for what he was right then. Just a student. Nothing more or nothing less. For once, Draco allowed a smile back towards the Granger girl and suddenly felt an exposure that relaxed his anxious mind and defined it to be a moment where he didn’t have to hide anymore. For just those few seconds…he felt happiness bloom in the realms of his former-cold heart that is now finally at peace. Draco’s eyelids flew open and he fixed his stare on his wand, it took a while but a smile eventually fiddled with his lips and after he calmly spoke the incantation “Expecto Patronum, ” a majestic dragon appeared from the tip of his wand as it increased in size and appearance while a fire-like blow of energy released from its mouth.

Я не могу сказать, что не люблю Рона с Гермионой. Они моя любимая существующая пара, как я уже вчера сказала. Они вообще моя любимая пара. НО! Но я всегда хотела Драмиону. Хотя бы какую-то. Хотела, чтобы мое больное воображение хоть немного порадовали совместными сценами Драко и Гермионы.

 Everything is you, and that’s a fact.

В последнее время я столько читала фанфиков, что когда второй раз пришла на дс2 на весь зал возмущалась, почему у Гермионы и Малфоя нет тут совместных сцен? Ну без Крэббов, Гойлов, Гарри и Ронов :D

Мне кажется это вообще было бы интересно. Наблюдать за их отношениями. Подруга Гарри Поттера и Пожиратель смерти.

Draco glanced at the hesitant girl that sat on the Gryffindor table and directed a small smile towards her. Hermione took in the emotion that Draco was giving as a gesture but never at all smiled back. Not because she wasn’t flattered by his exposure of feeling but it hurt her more than ever. She knew she could never confess to Harry and Ron that her heart belonged to Draco. He knew that he could never pluck up the confidence and stand against his father about pureblood and muggle-born relations. They both knew that they were dwelling on a path that was hard, tragic and forbidden though not a grain of care was given at the idea that they couldn’t be together. If it was meant to be, they’d be together one day.

Но правда если бы у них что-то было, это была бы уже другая история, а не история о Гарри Поттере. Так что я предлагаю снять отдельный фильм про Драмиошечку ахах. Я уже сама снимать готова блин ну

succulent-beauty :Draco :Don’t you understand…I love you. Hermione: You mock me? Draco: No…please believe me. I’m telling the truth…I can’t keep this desire hidden any longer. I can’t ruin myself by lying if i said I didn’t want you there with me when I was given the Dark Mark, or when I was in a room full of Death Eaters and still felt so lonely. I’ve always longed you, and I still do. Hermione: When are you going to get it into your head, we’re enemies… Draco: I DON’T CARE! Hermione: I wish I could wipe those tears off your face but…something is stopping me.

ну можно ж меня порадовать да?

gif requested by loadeddicexpokerchip FanFic (by loadeddicexpokerchip)  : He saw saw her sobbing at the bottom of the stairs, the hems of her layered dress flowing over her knees as she fiddled with the side of her shoes. He clenched his fists as he stood for a moment, constantly shuffling on his feet as considered walking past her, not even sure why he staying in the first place. She looked up at him when she noticed and then flinched in irritation, looking back down. “Go away Malfoy, ” she strained as sternly as she could. She sniffed again. Draco proceeded to walk up the stairs to her left and then stopped when he was a few steps higher than where she sat, his foot teetering on the above step. He looked down at her in tensely and uneasily, “Go to bed Granger, ” he allowed himself to say before going up the stairs. Hermione looked to her side where his feet quickly disappeared from her sight and she looked back down at her shoes again. - Verisimilitude by 00Kakkoi00 I’d give anything now, to kill those words for you.

вот аналогично :) я бы вообще хотела чтобы они в реальной жизни встречались :DD да думаю не бывать этому

дадада. и я так же руками и ногами за реальную жизнь *__* как уже стопятьсот раз говорила, что либо я, либо Эмма :DD


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