22 июля 2011 года в22.07.2011 13:50 1 0 10 1


Description of the clip: SCENE: Edward and Bella head into Isle esme. Rob picks her up. Brings her into house. Bella looks beautiful and not pale. Looking aroudnd the home. Edward: want to take a look around?

Bella walks into another area of the house. BEdroom. Stares at the bed, touches the curtains around the bed. Can see ocean in background. Edward looks at the bed. Tension between them s they consider going into the bed. Continue putting suitcases down. Edward and Bella hold each other’s hands. Still lot of tension. Edward: Want to go for a swim? Bella: yeah that sounds nice (it’s night time). Bella: I could use just a few minutes. Edward kisses her. Edward :Don’t take too long.Edward walks outside. Takes off shirt to get into water. Bella goes to bathroom. Looks at herself in mirror. Fast paced scene. Brushes teeth, cleans mouth. Very nervous obviously. Fast paced scene with a song we don’t know. Washing hands. Takes off wedding ring. Dries hands. Wipes water on forehead. Shaves legs. Picks out a bra to wear. Pulls out lingerie.. unsure about wearing it. Sits on ground in nervousness. Bella :Don’t be coward to going out into the water. Bella walks up to Edward in the moonlight. Bella is naked and walking towards the water. Edward already in.



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