18 июля 2011 года в18.07.2011 10:54 0 0 10 1

from tumblr


I love this photo because it is something that’s very near & dear to my heart…I have an Aunt and several members in my family who have for generations made these and sold them here where I am from. They are made with such beautiful creativity & so much love for the skilled art of the bracelets they turn out…We~ all who buy them or are gifted them love them very much, Our designs to us along with the colors we picked out and wear say something about our style and what we like…I am a great lover of ORANGE and actually so is my Aunt Julie herself. I will say as a teen remembering a great love for Jerry Garcia & the Grateful Dead. So I guess we all have a history of carrying a Hippie style, and a Gypsy Heart, which to a certain extent we have passed on to each generation as they had passed it on to us, and so on. When we have one we make a wish Tie a triple knot & wear it until it falls off…Each one when I look back thru all of the ones I own that are worn and tattered I remember a moment in my life~ “A Moment in Time”…I love that about them, I also love that all these generations later my children love them as well…Thanks family for that, and my Aunt Julie for instilling in me a Gypsy spirit that loves treasure, crystals, growing things, exc… being barefoot when possible, and all things filled with Magic and Hippie Love…


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