15 июля 2011 года в15.07.2011 15:26 0 0 10 1

BEAST + Swivel Chairs = ♥

All of a sudden, Kikwang’s chair starts to turn. Junhyung looks mildly amused.

But Kikwang happily turns himself back to the front with the use of Junhyung’s manly thigh.

Oh I see what you’re up to, Joker! Not so subtle, are you?

Again, Kikwang turns his chair back as Dooleader watches.

Junhyung reaches his hand out again, but Kikwang intercepts!

Nevertheless, Kikwang remains suspicious of the sly Joker.

Oh no! Junhyung has already started on his new target: an unsuspecting Dongwoon.


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CHINDCHA — izabell


что-то меня здорово упороло с этой картинки хд