25 декабря 2009 года в25.12.2009 22:19 4 0 10 1

почему джейкоб лучше эдварда.но мне на самом деле похер)

ksuuu :

1- Jacob is alive. Edward is dead.

2- Jacob is warm and cuddly. Edward is an ice cube. He has to cuddle on top of the sheet just so Bella doesn’t freeze.

3- Jacob is happy and smiles all the time. Edward is moodier than a PMSing adolescent.

4- Jacob listens to Bella and compromises. Edward decides what’s good for her and dictates.

5- Jacob makes Bella happy. Edward makes Bella anxious, stupid, and obsessive.

6- Jacob and Bella have equal power in their relationship. Edward has all the power.

7- Jacob made Bella sad and confused for two weeks. Edward made Bella feel rejected and suicidally depressed for months.

8- It takes Jacob one day to apologize for making Bella miserable. It takes Edward most of a year and a whole lot of drama.

9- Bella loves Jacob for his sunny personality. Bella loves Edward cuz he smells good and looks “pretty”.

10- Jacob and Bella’s age difference is two years. Edward’s is one hundred (wtf?).

11- Jacob can turn into a wolf. All Edward can do is sparkle.

12- Who honestly likes kissing a statue? They’re too cold, stiff, unresponsive, and just plain hard.

13- Jacob is perfect because he isn’t perfect. Edward is too perfect.

14- Jacob has a pimped out motorcycle. All Edward has is a stupid shiny Volvo.

15- Jacob is hilarious. Edward is just plain boring. (too cliché ;)


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