03 июня 2010 года в03.06.2010 17:13 10 0 10 1

It Isn't Broken

I want to believe the words you speak
but none of our memories seem to belong to me.
you preach about being happy without you
but that’s just a dream and nothing I can look forward too
I’ve been waiting here for way too long
and it’s more than likely you wont listen to this song
but I’ll sing it anyways without a cause
because dreaming of seeing you is all I can rely on
not your face, not your smile, or even your touch
god damn your world for making you hate me this much
so let me hear the truth that I can’t take
and maybe it can teach me how to fix our mistakes
because I need you now more than ever before
to feel like you love me and not that you can’t love me anymore
I say I miss you, and I always will
and I know I wont ever see my life that you killed
but it’s okay I’ll always love you
and I pray to the stars you will always love me too
so wake up I’m writing this for your ears
and I hope you never regret a moment of those years
When smiles were only phone calls away
It’s a shame that these moments no longer remain
and I always keep my promises, my love will never die
I’m just trying to stop what’s broken, from making me believe love is a lie.


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