Ace - excellent, brilliant
Ay up - a greeting; hello
Babba - a term of endearment, father or daddy
Ballsed-up - ruined, obliterated, screwed up
Bangers - sausages, often served with mashed potatoes
Bevvied - having consumed alcohol; bevvy (alcohol) is short for beverage
Bifta - A joint (marijuana)
Bint - a derogatory term for a lower class woman or girl
Bollocks - literally, testicles; nonsense - a general term used for something viewed in a negative light. ("That is bollocks!")
Bowser - an unattractive woman
Bredrin - a very good friend
Bruv - a friend
Bugger - loosely used to replace the f-word
Bum chum - a male boyfriend to another male
Bunk off - to play hooky from school
Chav - aggressive, big-city "trash "
Cheeky - being saucy, impudent, audacious ("You giving us cheek?")
Chuffed - to be very pleased or proud with oneself
Cobber - (Australian) friend
Cocker - a buddy or mate
Corker - a remarkable, excellent or astounding person or thing
Corr - odd
Couldn' t be arsed - couldn't be bothered, apathetic
Cretin - A stupid, child-like person
Dosh - money
Fag - a cigarette
Fit - attractive, good-looking
Form - term for primary class of study; usually used in regards to high school classes
Gadge - (Scottish) A term for "Guy" Rory says, "He's a lucky lucky gadge "
Gert - very or really; often used as "gert lush "
Get (one's) leg over - to have sex