24 мая 2011 года в24.05.2011 16:33 0 0 10 1


Blair: Why did you just do that?
Chuck: Because of what you said earlier.
Blair: About being happy? Chuck, that’s not the most important thing. People don’t write sonnets about being compatible. Or novels about shared life goals and stimulating conversation. The great loves are the crazy ones. L’amour fou.
Chuck: Blair we’re not living in Paris in the 20s.
Blair: We both wish we were.
Chuck: There’s a difference between a great love and the right love. I left the Empire State Building last year after two minutes when you didn’t show. Louis waited all night. This is your chance at happiness. You think you shouldn’t want it ‘cause you’ve never had it and it scares you. But you deserve your fairytale.
Blair: We make our own fairytales.
Chuck: Only when we have to. You don’t. How do you feel about tonight?
Blair: Awful. Just… terrible. In fact, I’ve never felt like this before.
Chuck: Guilt. I feel it, too. Maybe I’m actually growing up after all.
Blair: I didn’t want to let you go just yet.
Chuck :Don’t let anyone tell you you’re not powerful. You’re the most powerful woman I know.
Blair: It’s taking all the power I have to walk away from you.
Chuck: I know. But I need to let you go. You need to let go.
Blair: I will always love you.
Chuck: I will always love you.


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