06 мая 2011 года в06.05.2011 22:06 1 0 10 1

Queer as Folk

QaF - самый потрясающий сериал, их тех, что я видела в жизни. Всем кто не смотрел, советую. Начнешь смотреть и не останоситься больше… ;) 5 сезонов посмотрела на одном дыхании. Это того стоит. Актерскую команду полюбила как родных. Вот несколько любимых цитат из сериала)))

So the thumpa-thumpa continues. It always will, no matter what happens,
no matter who's president. As our lady of disco, the divine miss gloria gaynor,
has always sung to us: "We will survive. "

- And nobody has to know that you have a tight..
-. .ass?!
- and a big..
-. .dick?!!
-. .and that you..
-. .FUCK??? So that's a piece of news for you - I DO!

Brian: Why do you always have to ruin everything?
Michael: Ruin? I'm saving you! Just like Toby Harper saved Captian Astro in issue 231 of Astro Comics when Captain Astro thought that he lost all of his super powers.
Brian: God, you are so pathetic.
Michael: No. You are! Don't you see that you still have your powers? All of your powers. And you always will. Whether you're 18, or you're 30, or you're 50, or you're 100. You wll always be young and you will always be beautiful. You're Brian Kinney for fuck's sake!

Emmett: Why do I always give my heart away to trash?
Brian: Because you want to see it in the dumpster.

Brian: So in other words, for Justin to live here with you, he has to deny who he is… what he thinks… and how he feels. Well, that's not love. That's hate.

Brian: The point of a date - or so it's been explained to me by those who do that sort of thing - is that you actually get to know the other person before you fuck him.

Justin: I`m killing you with kindness. it's proved to be a highly effective technique for achieving one's goals.

Michael: I don't wanna be a saint. I wanna be a ruthless, heartless shit who fucks whoever he wants without conscience or remorse.
Brian: I'm sorry, that position's already been filled.

Justin: Im not anti-social. i just can't stand people.

Brian: I don't believe in love. I believe in fucking. It's honest, it's efficient, and you get out with a maximum of pleasure and a minimum of bullshit. Love is something that straight people tell themselves they're in so they can get laid. And they end up hurting each other, because it was all based on lies to begin with… (c).

Emmet: Well, I could be a… a r-real man, if I wanted to. You know, just lower my voice, stop… gesturing with my hands, make sure my face is expressionless. Never, never use words like… like fabulous or divine, talk about, I don't know, nailing bitches and rbiS.
But I'd rather my flame burn bright, than be some puny, little pilot light.

Ted: I think G-d appreciates it even more because He created you in His image. At least that's what I was always taught. And since G-d is love and G-d doesn't make mistakes, then you must be exactly the way he wants you to be, the way he intended you to be. And that goes for every person, every planet, every mountain, every grain of sand, every song, every tear, AND EVERY FAGGOT. We're all His, Emmett. He loves us all.

B: Well…there is no predicting…Oops! I said dick! Didnt I?

Brian: Two kinds of straight people in this world. First, who hate you to your face and second who hate you behind your back!

Brian: So, are you coming or going?.. Or coming and then going? Or coming and staying?..


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