10 мая 2010 года в10.05.2010 08:27 2 0 10 1

You're a Beatles obsessed if:

1. You saw all their films

2. You frame all their posters like important portraits
3. You run through the house shouting: "GOO GOO G'JOOB!!! "
4. You want to be Lucy in the sky
5. You love when the Beatles shout in their rock songs
6. You want to buy all their instruments
7. You watch over and over the film Help! and never get bored of it
8. You love the scene in the bath or the fight in the house of Help!
9. You LOL when you hear shout: "KAILIIIIIIII!!! "
10. You smile when you see a photo in which they have a lot of fun
11. You love the scene where they're playing on the field in A Hard Days Night
12. You always talk to the people about the Beatles even though they get bored
13. You want to live in a Yellow Submarine
14. You want to visit all the places where they have been (London, Liverpool, Hamburg, New York… ;)
15. You want a house that is identic of the Beatles' house in Help!
16. You pretend an autograph of all four even though John and George aren't alive
17. Your biggest wish is to live in the 60's and go in all their concerts
18. You would have been one of the stewardesses who served the Fab Four during one of their flight
19. You know at least 5 verses of each Beatles song
20. Your mp3 is full of Beatles songs
21. You can't stay a single day without listening their songs
22. You want to build a "Cavern" in your town
23. You want to build a hotel in your town called "Help!", "A Hard Days Night", "Abbey Road", "The Cavern", "A Day In The Life", …
24. You get angry when you hear a bad critic about the Beatles


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