30 апреля 2011 года в30.04.2011 12:22 0 0 10 1


 - The Naked and Famous - Young Blood [2010].mp3 The young are bound to make mistakes. At least you are brave enough to follow your heart. Turn away from those judging eyes. They only put you down. They are not young, they don’t understand, or at least they forget how it feels like already.

 - The Naked and Famous - Young Blood [2010].mp3 I feel so young and alive. This is the moment for everything.




We’re only young and naive still
We require certain skills
The mood it changes like the wind
Hard to control when it begins

*The bittersweet between my teeth
Trying to find the in-betweens
Fall back in love eventually
Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Can’t help myself but count the flaws
Claw my way out through these walls
One temporary escape
Feel it start to permeate

We lie beneath the stars at night
Our hands gripping each other tight
You keep my secrets hope to die
Promises, swear them to the sky


As it withers
Brittle it shakes
Can you whisper
As it crumbles and breaks
As you shiver
Count up all your mistakes
Pair of forgivers
Let go before it’s too late
Can you whisper
Can you whisper
Can you whisper
Can you whisper


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