27 апреля 2011 года в27.04.2011 20:11 0 0 10 3




Do you ever feel like a plastic bag,
drifting through the wind
Wanting to start again?
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards, one blow from caving in

Do you ever feel already buried deep?
6 feet under screams,
but no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there's still a chance for you
'Cause there's a spark in you

You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine
Just own the night
like the 4th of July

'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "oh, oh, oh "
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go "oh, oh, oh "
You're gonna leave 'em falling down-own-own

You don't have to feel, like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew, what the future holds
After a hurricane, comes a rainbow

Maybe your reason why, all the doors are closed
So you could open one
that leads you to the perfect room
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it's time you know

You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine
Just own the night
like the 4th of July

'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "oh, oh, oh "
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go "oh, oh, oh "
You're gonna leave 'em falling down-own-own

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It's always been inside of you, you, you
And now it's time to let it though

'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "oh, oh, oh "
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go "oh, oh, oh "
You're gonna leave 'em falling down-own-own

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon


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WHATAFUCK — Erase me.


привет, дорогие мои "Явилась, не запылилась", подумаете вы, да? так вот, я не знаю, что сподвигло меня написать этот пост. наверное ...


SPF with Nina Dobrev моя красавица [ x ]


знаете, за что я так люблю их? за искренность. они выиграли уже третий чемпионат, став буквально легендами футбола, а радуются этому, ка...


мои мальчики. вчера вы сделали меня самой счасливой девушкой на планете. я знала, я верила в вашу победу и ни на секунду в вас не сомнева...


One Tree Hill 2003 - 2012 Спасибо вам за девять лет слез, улыбок, смеха и удовольствия. I miss you more than anything