25 апреля 2011 года в25.04.2011 20:49 9 0 10 1

An Unkindness of Ravens. Chapter Three

As I stood in the center of the court, and the graffiti fell from the ceiling, I felt I had helped achieved something that would be remembered for years to come. We're were, together, the Tree Hill Ravens, North Carolina State Basketball Champions. I knew I would wear that title with pride, even if I couldn't play college ball. I still had the pride of knowing that I was on one of the greatest high school basketball teams. I did wish, and still do, that my Uncle Keith could have seen it. He would have been so proud of me and Nate, and that in itself, made me proud.

The one thing I remember very vividly, was Brooke stepping aside. Her putting aside her hurt, to help show me the one person I belong with. She pointed me in the direction of Peyton Sawyer. Remembering back to the day that I played Nathan on the river court, I saw that we both had been trying to hide our feelings. Trying to make it seem like we were just friends, when I think everyone around us knew better.

In that moment, seeing the smile cross her perfect lips. Her hands cupped in front of her face, as she looked up at the falling graffiti. I knew in that moment, that I would always love Peyton Sawyer.


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