04 мая 2010 года в04.05.2010 02:35 0 0 10 3

I was born of the womb of a poisonous spell
Beaten and broken and chased from the lair
But I rise up above it, high up above it and see
I was hung from the tree made of tongues of the weak
The branches were bones of liars and thieves
Rise up above it, high up above and see

Pray to your god, open your heart
Whatever you do, be afraid of the dark
Cover your eyes, the devil inside
One night of the hunter
One day I will get revenge
One night to remember
One day it'll all just end, oh

(Une, deux, trois, cinq)
Blessed by a bitch from a bastard's seed
Pleasure to meet you but prepare to bleed
Rise, I'll rise, I'll rise
Skinned her alive, ripped her apart
Scattered her ashes, buried her heart
Rise up above it, high up above and see

Pray to your god, open your heart
Whatever you do, be afraid of the dark
Cover your eyes, the devil inside
One night of the hunter
One day I will get revenge
One night to remember
One day it'll all just end, oh

Honest to God I'll break your heart
Tear you to pieces and rip you apart
Honest to God I'll break your heart
Tear you to pieces and rip you apart
Honest to God I'll break your heart
Tear you to pieces and rip you apart
Honest to God I'll break your heart
Tear you to pieces and rip you apart

One night of the hunter
One day I will get revenge
One night to remember
One day it'll all just end, oh


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