10 марта 2011 года в10.03.2011 12:53 0 0 10 1

Spencer: What’s it like to run away?
Toby: Cold…Didn’t you ever run away?
Spencer: Once. I think I was seven. My sister and I had an argument over something and my parents took Melissa’s side.
Toby: What were you fighting about?
Spencer: Some great injustice I can’t rememeber now, but they sided with her so I made a tuna salad sandwhich and I ran away.
Toby: Where did you go?
Spencer: The movies. It was something animated, there was a princess and everybody was singing… and I got lonley, and I ate my tuna salad sandwich and I came home.
Toby: Were your parents worried?
Spencer: They hadn’t even noticed I had gone…
Toby: Do me a favour…
Spencer: What?
Toby: If you ever get the urge to run away again, call me first okay?
Spencer: Okay

Они милашечки ♥


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