09 марта 2011 года в09.03.2011 07:40 0 0 10 2

Boy: Baby, we need to talk.
Girl: Ricardo, what do you mean?
Boy: Something has come up…
Girl: What? What's wrong? Is it bad?
Boy: I don't want to hurt you, baby.
Girl: *Thinks* Oh my God, I hope he doesn't break up with me… I love him so much.
Boy: Baby, are you there?
Girl: Yeah, I'm here. What is so important?
Boy: I'm not sure if I should say it..
Girl: Well, you already brought it up, so please just tell me.
Boy: I'm leaving..
Girl: Baby, what are you talking about? I don't want you to leave me, I love you.
Boy: Not like that, I mean I'm moving far away.
Girl: Why? All of your family lives over here.
Boy: Well, my father is sending me away to a boarding school far away.
Girl: I can't believe this.
Father: (Picks up the other phone, interrupts & yells furiously) ERICA! What did I tell you about talking to boys?! Get off the damn phone! (And hangs up)
Boy: Wow, your father sounds really mad.
Girl: You know how he gets, but anyways, I don't want you to go.
Boy: Would you run away with me?
Girl: Baby, you know I would, I would do anything for you, but I can't… You don't know what would happen if I did. My dad would kill me!
Boy: *Sad* It's okay.. I understand, I guess..
Girl: *Thinking* I can't believe what's going on.
Boy: I need to give you something tonight, because I am leaving on flight 1-80 in the morning, so I need to see you now.
Girl: Okay, I will sneak out & meet you at the park.
Boy: Okay, I'll meet you there in 20 minutes.
(They meet at a nearby park, they both hug each other. And he gives her a note.)
Boy: Here you go, this is for you. I gotta go.
Girl: *Tear* (Begins to cry.)
Boy: Baby, don't cry, you know I love you… But I have to go.
Girl: Okay (Begins to walk away.)
(They both go back home. And Erica begins to read the letter he gave her)

It says…

" Erica,
You probably already know that I'm leaving, I knew this would be better if I wrote a letter explaining the truth about how much I care about you. The truth is, is that I never loved you, I hated you so much, you are my bitch and don't you ever forget that. I never cared about you, and never wanted to talk to you, and be around you. You really have no clue how much I hate you. Now that I'm leaving I thought you should know that I hate you, bitch. You never did the right thing, and you were never there. I didn't think I could hate someone as much as I hate you. And I never want to see you, for the rest of my life, I will never miss kissing you like before, I never want to cuddle up, how we used to. I will not miss you and that's a promise. You never had my love, and I want you to remember that. Bitch, you keep this letter because this may be the last thing you have from me. Fuck, I hate you so much. I will not talk to you soon bitch… Goodbye.
- Ricardo "

(Erica begins to cry, she throws the paper in the garbage & cries for hours.)

… A day passes, she is sad, depressed and she feels so lonely… Then she gets a phone call….

Friend: How are you feeling?
Girl: I just cant believe this happened.. I thought he loved me.
Friend: Oh, about that. Ricardo left me a message. A few days ago. He told me to tell you to look in your jacket pocket or something…
Girl: Umm.. okay.
(She finds a piece of paper in the jacket.)

It says:

" Baby I hope you find this before you read my letter. I knew your dad might read it, so I switched a few words…
Hate = Love
Never = Always
Bitch = Baby
Will not = will
…. I hope you didn't take that seriously because I love you with all my heart, and it was so hard to let you go thats why I wanted you to run away with me… -Ricardo "

Girl: Oh my God! It's a letter.. Ricardo does love me! He must of slipped it into my pocket when he hugged me. I can't believe how stupid I am!

(Erica turns the TV on.)

[Breaking news]
" An airplane has crashed. Over 47 young boys died, we are still searching for survivors… This is a tragedy we will never forget, this plane was flight 1-80… it was on its way to an all boys boarding school…" the Reporter says.

(She turns off the t.v.… 3 days later, she kills herself, because of the fact that Ricardo was dead & she had nothing to live for… ;)
… A day after that the phone rings. Nobody answers. It was Ricardo, he called to leave a message. "Its Ricardo, I guess you're not home so, I called to let you know that I'm alive, I missed my flight because I had to see you one last time. So, I hope your not worried. I am staying for good.


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