06 марта 2011 года в06.03.2011 12:36 1 0 10 1



Jal: I’ve been thinking about what Chris would have wanted me to say today.The advice he’d give me. Which would be something like, “You know what babe ? Fuck it. These guys know all about me. Tell them about someone different”. So I thought I’d say something about a hero of Chris’s. A man called captain Joe Katanga. In 1960, climbing into a foil balloon, Captain Joe ascended 32 kilometers into the stratosphere. And then, armed only with a parachute, he jumped out. He fell for four minutes and 36 seconds, reaching 740mph before opening his parachute five kilometers above the earth. It had never been done before and has never been done since. He did it just because he could and that’s why Chris loved him. Because the thing about Chris was he said yes. He said yes to everything. He loved everyone. He was the bravest boy… man, I knew. And that was… He flung himself out of a foil balloon every day. Because he could. Because he was. And that’s why… and that’s why … We, we loved him.

Skins, Everyone (2.10).


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