начала читать книгу "women who love too much", отличное чтение. несмотря на то, что я никогда не была совсем уж терпилой и всегда высказывала свое недовольство чем-то, впоследствии я всегда чувствовала за это вину. ну вот как же ты так, надо же войти в положение… ну чего ты как гарпия прямо какая-то… надо же мягче быть, обходительнее, МУДРОЖЕНСТВЕННЕЕ. так вот, несмотря на то, что там уж совсем жесткие истории с алкоголиками, абьюзерами и т.д., один мотив меня поразил: все эти женщины задвигали себя в том плане, что даже не задумывались, а хорошо ли ИМ, а подходит ли это ИМ. вопрос всегда только в том, хорошо ли ЕМУ. а если хорошо ему, то значит я все делаю правильно, значит я молодец, я ЗАСЛУЖИЛА любовь, я такая ПОНИМАЮЩАЯ. я отчетливо помню, как каждое его (необдуманное) высказывание о потенциальной свадьбе и совместной жизни я воспринимала как какую-то победу. мол, вот, он хочет на мне жениться. и так же отчетливо помню, как в какой-то момент спросила себя: а хочу ли я за него замуж? и так же помню волну неуверенности, которой меня накрыло после этого осознания. теперь я понимаю, что если бы я задала себе этот вопрос и не побоялась бы на него ответить (а в январе я побоялась), то все было бы иначе. это мне урок на будущее.

How to master the scale of love is troubling, too cold is iceberg, too hot is volcano. As a tender and shy Asian woman, something you have to learn when you gonna to acquire a Western man's heart.

The following 5 suggestions are for reference only:

1、Never say too much i love you. Casro has an insight: a woman should never let a man know that she loves him, or he will be arrogant about it.

2、Call him only once a day. Hang up before he did not want to cut the phone. Maintain a sense of mystery because no man likes a woman who babbles.

3、Keep an ordinary heart. Very few people love only once in their lives, and in nine cases out of ten, love ends with a breakup.Be yourself then not only youself and him will be easy in daily life.

4、To indulge too much becomes cowardice. No one owes anyone, and he is blessed to love him. In love, both are the main characters, to have their own opinions, everyone should know the appropriate of rejection.

5、Never get involved in financials. Money is a sensitive topic, love men and women involved in the real interests of the case is not rare. Emotional to feelings, money to money, or should be clear, so as not to lose the wife and fold.

Finally, respect is an art which everyone should learn in life.

Finding some of the best massage Sydney especially for men is now a lot easy to find. Yes, this is because of the fact that this kind of pampering is now becoming a trend among men and now is very much available at Fleur de Lys Medispa . While it is true that massage regardless of its type are more popular among women there are now a lot of men who are also open to their cravings for this kind of personal pampering services. Due to its popularity, more and more spas and massage parlors are now sprouting like mushrooms in different parts of Sydney and the neighboring places. But the question is how you are going to pinpoint which of the many salons and massage parlors catering to this kind of service are really the best for men. How are you going to find it out? That is actually an easy task for anyone to deal with. For you to be able to find some of top massage-centers Sydney is to set some parameters for it. Here are some of those that you need to take note:

  • The reputation for quality service – this should be the very first area of concern whenever you will be looking for the best salon that offers different types of massage especially for men. Make sure you will only get this kind of personal service from a provider known for the kind of services they offer. For you to ensure getting the best pampering that will surely relieve you of muscle tensions entrust yourself to a massage salon known for their real good quality service. You will know it according to the feedback and reviews from their previous clients. This is one of your guides to be able to get the best choice.
  • Pool of licensed and experienced therapists – the next important thing that you need to make sure when looking for the finest massage Sydney is the skills and expertise of their therapists. You must only choose a salon with a pool of certified and truly experienced therapists. Make sure they will be able to provide you with one that can literally address men’s passion for hard pressure when deciding to pamper yourself with this kind of pampering need.
  • The kind of pressure – because of the fact that most men would prefer hard pressure for massage, it should also be among your parameters when choosing some of the excellent massage in Sydney. It is therefore among the many essential things that you need to consider when deciding which of the many service providers for this kind of massage should you choose. The best massage around Sydney for men is one that also has a pool of masculine massage therapists who are truly an expert on this kind of service. Indeed it would also be a lot important to request for a therapist who can truly afford to provide hard pressure for men to be able to truly appreciate awesome massage Sydney at Fleur de Lys Medispa.
  • Summary

    This article centers it discussion about best massage Sydney especially for men. Readers are somehow guided to get the right choice on it.

    Wedding period of time is about to dominate the interpersonal calendars of the many, and if you’re clever, you’ll appear prepared. How can one plan for the slew of “I do’s”, you ask? Well, obtaining the grooving competencies not out of par is probably the initially order of business. You’d hate to feel confused on the dancing floor. And also, if you’re single, exactly how are you going to match anyone by simply staring from the sidelines, swirling your iced-down drink around? That’s no chance to enjoy yourself.

    The bride and groom don’t should get all of the enjoyment. You may also have a lot of fun at the wedding day when you learn a few truly amazing dance methods, letting you experience a lot more assured and also willing to rejoice.

    You Ought To Get Wedding Dance Lessons If…

    You’re The Mother And Father of the New Bride or Maybe the Groom

    Because you knows the majority of the citizens, there will probably as well be a large amount of focus on you. Your pals, spouse and children, as well as brand new in-laws are just waiting for you to enlighten them—don’t let them down! That is your own opportunity to create a great effect.

    Wedding day preparing is known to get all sorts of anxiety on the household of the happy couple. The wedding celebration is the instance to at last take pleasure in the fruit of your labor––celebrate and even bash such as you mean it.

    Utilize this possibility for come up with a celebratory, expert dance to begin one’s own child’s new chapter of existence. Because of wedding photographers, your dancing will probably be a gift that retains on providing.

    You’re In the Big Event

    While an affiliate of the gathering, a big part of the function is to assist take the gathering. In case simply no one’s on the dancing ground, it’s the job to just go start the entertaining. With awesome techniques under the strip, you’ll create the dance floor an encouraged, celebratory, and secure location.

    The reason why be an important part of the gathering, but is not an important part of the PARTY? You’re honoring considered one of your dearest friends’ spousal relationship; dancing about this!

    Set off to viral with the rest of the bridal celebration and thus build a wonder dance that bangs everyone away and provides you with your own 15-seconds of popularity. The dancing learned from Care To Dance these types of groomsmen did was an immediate impression.

    You’re A Committed Couple Attending Friends’ Matrimony

    Occasionally functional life gets occupied and even we don’t create sufficient time for those we admire. Use the upcoming wedding party in your own organizer being an excuse to reconnect with your wife or husband. Having wedding party lessons is proved to be even better as compared to counseling. And, yes, you may get your partner to take lessons with you.

    You realize it’s certainly not you will get to wear and have a night out. Let it go slightly and move onto the dance area thinking self-confident. You’ll certainly not would like to quit grooving after you learn how!

    You’re Flying Solo

    Rather than dreading another wedding ceremony that renders you recognize how single you might be, make the most of the opportunity to wow someone amazing on the dancing floor! Number of arrangements are usually more passionate to get together people today as compared to weddings—love is in the air along with the vigor is high. You’ll really like making use of your brand new competencies seeing that an ice-breaker, and also dancing is actually a beautiful function.

    Using wedding dance training is a good approach to encounter a person new. Men and women seize training lessons all the time, and thus it’d be pleasurable that you can perform with someone who possesses the same plan in mind… Perhaps by the next wedding ceremony, you’ll obtain a plus-one to have!

    Wedding Day Dancing Classes to Obtain

    If you’re willing to create those legs of at your feet a little fancier, it’s time and energy to decide on just what kinds of dances to find out. In the end, you’d dislike to enroll in a dance class, only to realize it’s not the best for wedding circumstances. Underneath are our proposed wedding day dancing lessons to make certain you’re wanting to experience the tune.

    If your doctor says that you have varicose veins, it means that your blood veins have become dilated and blood has overfilled them. They, therefore, look swollen and develop a bluish-purple color and in some cases red color. This condition is common in women and appears on the lower legs. The good news is that the condition is not severe, but it can lead to other complications in some individuals. Before you start wondering how the situation came up or the remedy for it, let’s help you understand the condition, its causes, symptoms, treatment and everything related to the disease.

    • The causes: Varicosities are as a result of weakened veins in the legs. It means that they fail to work usually resulting in the accumulation of blood and pressure in the affected area. As such, these vessels become not only weak but also large and twisted. Some people develop this condition because it’s in their family. Other causes include aging, being pregnant or overweight or spending most of your time standing or sitting. Standing or sitting for long periods causes pressure to build up in the legs and ankle region. The symptoms of varicoses are readily detectable because the dilated veins are visible and at times discolored. Some patients experience pain and burning sensation around the affected area. In severe cases, the vessels bleed and may lead to ulcers.

    • Diagnosis of the condition: Doctors examine the varicose capillaries when the patient is either seated or standing. They also enquire about other symptoms such as pain in the affected area. In some cases, doctors perform ultrasounds to assess the blood flow around these veins. The severity of some patients’ condition may call for a venogram to make a further assessment of their veins. The venogram is more or less like an x-ray; the only difference is that a particular dye must be injected into the legs. The ultrasound and venogram tests are conducted by theveininstitute to ascertain that the swelling of the veins is not caused by other disorders such as blood clot.

    • Treatment of varicose vessels: Before employing advanced procedures of removing the swollen veins, most doctors recommend a lifestyle change in the form of regular exercises to enhance blood circulation, losing weight for the obese and eating a healthy diet at all times and most importantly, avoidance of standing for too long. In other cases, doctors recommend the wearing of compression stockings. These techniques prevent the swelling in non-patients and prevent the formation of new ones in those who are already affected.

    • Advanced treatment procedures: the severity of the varicose veins determines the kind of treatment one receives. Therefore, if the condition becomes severe, the doctor may recommend a surgical procedure to remove the swelling. Other forms of treatment include laser surgery, endoscopic vein surgery, and sclerotherapy and endovenous ablation therapy.


    After the choice of an appropriate method for the removal of the varicose veins, it is essential to follow the doctor’s instructions on the after-care treatment keenly.

    ссылка на челлендж

    26. Любимая летняя песня

    Red Velvet - Red Flavor
    Пожалуй, это единственная песня, которая четко ассоциируется с летом и которую я обожаю.

    27. Песня, которую ты раньше ненавидел

    Думаю, таких нет.

    28. Топ 3 любимых иностранных мембера

    Не буду брать этнических корейцев, которые приехали из США\Австралии\Новой Зеландии. Что-то одни девочки получились. :D

    1. Мина (Twice), Япония

    Мина - первая иностранка, в которую я влюбилась. Обожаю ее внешность, ее скромный характер и ее танцы.

    2. Сяо (Cosmic Girls), Китай

    Сяо и ее медовые бедра - все, что мне нужно. :D

    3. Лиса (BlackPink), Таиланд

    Рил, ну кто не любит Лису??? Богиня рэпа и танцев *-*

    29. Топ 3 любимые песни

    3??? У меня их 333… Я люблю песни бантанов больше остальных, поэтому сложно выбирать…

    1. BTS - Save Me

    Я слишком сильно люблю эту песню, чтобы не включать ее в список. Настолько там проникновенный текст…

    2. BTS - Butterfly

    Еще одна песня, которая не была заглавкой, но такая потрясающая…

    3. Taeyang - Eyes, nose, lips

    Как бы сильно я не любила бантосов, эта песня в топе. Так люблю сольники Тэяна, у него потрясающий голос и песни, которые он посвящает своей невесте.

    30. Топ 3 любимые женские танцевальные практики

    1. Red Velvet - Russian Roulette

    Раз уж ice cream cake побывал везде, то выберу русскую рулетку. Тоже очень люблю этот танец девочек. Несмотря на то, что танцы вельветок смотрятся очень простыми, те, кто учит их танцы, говорят, что их практисы, наоборот, одни из самых сложных из-за того, что слишком много мелких движений.

    2. Twice - TT

    Мне кажется, меня ночью разбуди и я станцую ТТ. :D Очень люблю этот танец, несмотря на то, что он очень простой.

    3. Sunmi - Gashina

    Этот танец просто АЙКОНИК. Очень люблю Сонми и ее танцы. Кто еще стэнит Сонми и Тэмина? :D

    p.s. впервые на вьюи за ДЕВЯТЬ ЛЕТ я довела челледж до конца. спасибо тем, кто не сбежал, а читал мой капоперовский бред. :D
    ссылки на малышей указаны

    лень лень лень лень и ещё раз лень я купила три свитера, завтра пойду куплю пальто: оно мне не необходимо, у меня есть уже пальто, но то из овчины, а я так давно хотела и я подумала, что пока я могу и пока оно висит там в магазине, то я возьму его. вообще странно, потому что я не помню, когда последний раз ходила в магазин и покупала что то так, не в интернете. я ходила около часа, может, но я так вымоталась, ужас. я дочитала "бог не любовь. как религия все отравляет" кристофера хитченса, очень сильно, презренно и хлестко – мне нравится. пересмотрела inglourious basterds, посмотрела 20th century women – оч атмосферный, мне понравилась визуализация, сильно сильно люблю грету гервинг. съела два твистера из kfc, запила все огромной газировкой и теперь я готова валяться в постели и читать агнес грей. а рано утром завтра, я поеду и куплю то пальто (шубку) 2/3 - done