And we all want trophies, she want a ni**a next to her

Pull up when he flex to her even though she lonely

She look pretty

She's too pretty

Trophies, she have you waitin' there on both knees

She want a ni**a that'll make her really feel pretty

And she don't feel pretty

Don't feel pretty

sometimes i wake up and think that i’m you. if i stay still, if i don’t speak, there’s no difference. but then i speak, and i move, and he smiles.

i sit at the mirror, and look at your face. i think about you slashing your wrists, tip my head back. the hair he combs is your hair. i wonder if he misses the colour of my eyes.

i don’t think he thinks about it — about you. for him, having me here is a miracle, he’s never going to question it.

but i do.

what did you think i would be like? you gave me these hands to kill your enemies, but now they are the hands that i hold his with.

Девочки такие сложные, разные. Девочки такие ранимые, нежные, красивые. Так жаль, когда у них что-то не получается. Так жаль, когда они страдают, терпят, жалеют. Так жаль таких хрупких, мягких, удивительных девочек. Так закипает, пузырится кровь, так хочется справедливости. Кровавой, выстраданной справедливости.

Со стороны — я эмоциональный столб. Может быть я вру себе, но иногда самой себе кажусь такой отстраненной, холодной, странной. Может быть, конечно, все картинки в голове считываются с лица, может быть.

И все же я люблю этих девочек. Немножко отделяя от себя, да, но тем не менее люблю всем сердцем.

Oh, it’s good to be alive

Crying into cereal at midnight

And if they ever let me out, I’m gonna really let it out

When I decided to wage Holy War

It looked very much like staring at my bedroom floor

But, oh God, you’re gonna get it

You’ll be sorry that you messed with me

And I know I may not look like much

Just another screaming speck of dust

But, oh God, you’re gonna get it

You’ll be sorry that you messed with us

#писатель а #дневник а #феминизм #девочки

Сложный был год, ничего не скажешь. Сложный, в плане поиска работы, договоренностей, перемен.

Если подводить численные результаты – то это порядка 30 книг (*), но мне кажется, +-5, потому что какие-то не дочитаны, и вообще, посмотрела, что прочитала, мало что мне принесло большое удовольствие и прямо ЧИТАТЬ.

Мы в этом году были в Турции, Польше, Греции, США (Нью-Йорк и Майами)

Было много потрясающих фильмов и интервью, кажется, ради них я затеяла это все писать:

• Интервью Милашиной и Муратова у Собчак;

• Интервью с Варнавой, с Идой Галич, с Лолитой;

• Школа злословия (Толстая и Смирнова);

• Познер

• Яндекс. Управление продуктом

• InLiberty (дебаты)

• Дебаты Богомолова и Зыгаря

• Шульман

• Долин

• Лебедев

• Гуриев

• Юзефович

• Гордон

• Little Big

• Редакция (Дима Зицер)

Фильмы, которые произвели впечатление (+Netflix).

• Periods. End of sentence

• Don’t look up

• Фильмы о восхождениях

• Фрида

• Круэлла

• WWII Documentary


• Friends

• Squid game

• Pacific ocean

• Последнее интервью

Прошла Advent календарь от Ольги Кад и курс английского от Наталки.

Какое-то время изучала искусство и даже чуть рисовала.

Познакомилась с философией, кино

—- Выставка Body Worlds

—- Чуть-чуть попробовала шахматы

*В следующем году хочу прочитать порядка 60 книг


За день до дедовой 85-ой годовщины я изменила собственную историю. За 52 секунды в Интерстелларе выжгла прошлое, сменила настоящее и будущее. Это как с линиями на руках — всё вроде бы решено, но вроде бы и нет. «Всё так странно и красиво»…

Важное. Во сне я тебя съела, что не только сулит мне благополучие и удачу, но и символизирует мою тобой одержимость. И правда, не без этого — но очень хорош ты лишь в моих фантазиях. Лишь в них, не дающих мне спать.

Не хочешь, я не настаиваю.

Я не настаиваю.

Я знаю, как ведут себя влюбленные мужчины.

Я не настаиваю.

I was always able to write my way out

Song always made sense to me

Now I find that when I look down

Every page is empty

There is nothing to describe

Except the moon still bright against the worrying sky

I pray the trees will get their leaves soon

So tell me where to put my love

Do I wait for time to do what it does?

I don’t know where to put my love

#писатель а #дневник а #рефлексия

Take us down and all apart

Переведи все эти мегабайты информации в кириллические символы.

Cherry Tree

Нажми кнопку "скрыть" в Инстаграме, отпрянув от его лица, как от летящего в лицо мяча.

Lay us out on the table

Задай очередной дурацкий вопрос. К чему это ведёт? Господи, я же знаю, к чему это ведёт. Ни к чему не обязывает.

Your sharp alright

Ночью попробуй вспомнить, как это — не быть одной.

But no one is asking so leave it alone

Уберись в комнате, вымой голову, свари суп, прочитай главу про облигации, посмотри 5 важных фильмов.

Leave it alone

Сделай мелочь по работе, не открывая глаз.

Can we

Найди свою, прости Господи, "карту желаний" и разметь её по новой.

No one is asking so leave it alone

Раза 3-4 вскипяти чайник.

Leave it alone


Can we

Проверь, когда он был онлайн.

Loose lips sink ships

Проверь, когда он был онлайн.

Don’t Look at me

Не пиши. Не пиши. Не пиши. "Отправлено".

I’m only breathing

Перестели постель.

Don’t look at me I’m indiscreet

Еще 2 фильма в "Буду смотреть".

Don’t look at me

Поздравь подругу с Днём рождения.

I’m only breathing

Ляг на кровать. Полежи, не беги. Тебе еще рано.

Don’t look at me I’m indiscreet

Включи свою любимую песню.

Your sharp alright

#писатель а #дневник а #рефлексия

Интересно, это я сама намедетировала?

Интересно, это все по-настоящему?

Скольжение. Еще чуть-чуть, и… Ну не буду же я сразу кидаться в крайности. Лучше буду скользить по острию ножа. Лучше буду надеяться на продолжение банкета.

Лучше буду искать в соннике только мне нужное значение. Лучше буду…

Боже, какая Эйфория невозможно красивая. Премию тому извращенцу, что придумал так снимать.

A thousand boys that look like you

Cover my eyes eletric blue

Now I can’t get my head around it

I thought I found it

But I found out I don’t know shit

Now I can’t get my head around it

I thought I found it

But I found out

A thousand girls that look like me

Staring out at the open sea

Repeat the words until they’re true

Cover my eyes electric blue

Now I can’t get my head around it

I thought I found it

But I found out I don’t know shit

Now I can’t get my head around it

I thought I found it

But I found out

Now you’ve got me so confused

’Cause I don’t know how to sing your blues

Jesus Christ, what could I do?

I don’t know how to sing your blues

Now I can’t get my head around it

I thought I found it, but I found out

Cover my eyes electric blue

Cover my eyes electric blue

Every single night I dream about you

Every single night I dream about you

Every single night I dream about you

Every single night I dream about you

Every single night I dream about you

Every single night

#писатель а #дневник а #рефлексия

There was a love affair in this building

The kind of love affair, Which every respectable building must keep as a legend

Slowly festering through an innocent by the way

Or have you heard

He was perfect except for the fact that he was an engineer

And mothers prefer doctors and lawyers

Yet despite this imperfection he was clean looking and respectable looking

And you’ll never find a mother who doesn’t appreciate a natural man

So he grew healthy aloe vera plants by the window

Secretly I’m not as sorted as I say I am

I’m bursting at the seams waiting to hear again how great I am

Yellow, red, pink, love me some low light

It goes really well until you find out what I’m really like

We go out to breakfast, I make two years of mess

I’m running out of answers and I’m not even dressed

I like to think I’m balanced, but can’t look at my phone

’Cause you’re so hyped and now I’m jealous and still on my own

будет и Лондон, и Берлин.

непонятные ветки метро,

выходы не на тех станциях.

потеря бумажника,

встреча любви всей жизни.

разочарования в себе.

будут огни на набережной,

огни гирлянд на деревьях в парке.

будет Норвегия и Аляска.

будут горящие маяки, закаты, щёки

и поцелуи,

головокружительности, которым

позавидуют даже испытатели

мёртвой петли.

холодные руки в моих руках,

которые я буду греть.

будет веселье в барах,

наизусть имена барменов,

знание всех сортов хмеля,


и винограда.

будут звёзды, собранные в карманы.

гладкие осколки с морского берега:

разбитые сердца бутылок.

старые открытки с книжных развалов.

чёрно-белые фотокарточки.

выставки и музеи.

wonderwall и don’t look back in anger.

будут вечера дома,

проводимые за интересным

и классным кино.

тёплые пледы.

бокалы с красным грузинским


наше отражение в зеркале.

и в глазах друг у друга.

будет вкусный кофе.

флажки из журналов.

перегоревшие лампочки.

зажжённые свечи,

из-за которых я всегда боялся


весь дом.

будут поздние завтраки,

валяния в кровати,

чтобы ещё немного поспать.

будут такие крепкие объятия,

что наши атомы


друг с другом.

утреннее солнце,

разбивающее окно.

будет туманный Питер,

и сиропный Онтарио,

тонущая Венеция,

и цветущий Киото,

вечнолетний Майями,

и переворачивающий мировоззрение


будут вечерние трамваи

и пакеты с килограммами мандарин.

хруст снега под ногами.

терпкий запах глинтвейна.

музыка со старого винила:

Джой Дивижн и Нирвана,

Элвис и Джексон,

Битлз и Радиохэд.

будут спонтанные встречи

и прогулки на пляже.

песок в ботинках.

просьбы не уходить.

диалоги Джоэла и Клементины,

идеально исполненные нами.

будут цветы,

которые забыли полить,

искусанные ногти,

да, мам, я знаю,

это очень плохая привычка.

будет забытая дома шапка.

больное горло.

потрескавшиеся губы.


запах бумажных книг.

разговоры на кухне.

песни, спетые на гитаре.

будут монетки, брошенные в фонтан.

будет Лувр и Эрмитаж.

обжигающий чай.


которые иногда лучше было б

один раз взять

и забыть.

будет зима и осень.

будут расставания

и встречи

спустя два года,

будто бы и не было этих лет,

словно мы старые

и очень близкие


хотя никогда ими не являлись.

а жаль.

будут вопросы Млечному,

горам и утонувшим кораблям,

шрамам на руках,

набитым татуировкам,

и грусти, появившейся в твоих глазах.

будут солёные слёзы.

слёзы от смеха.

шоколадные торты.

сладкая и очень липкая вата.

сырные круассаны.

Эйфелева башня.

вулканы камчатки.

спины китов и касаток.

вишнёвое вино,

как из песни Hoizer.

будут случайные встречи,

важные встречи,

разбивающие до основания встречи.

будешь ты.

На 26-ом году жизни открылась новая грань, новое обстоятельство. И надо как-то справляться, как-то прощать, как-то жить дальше и вне этого. Придумала слоган, может стать фамильным. Знаете, это у нас семейное. Как-то отсекать, улавливать в себе эти ноты и играть то, что нужно тебе. Как-то пока без помощи психологов (смотрите, как долго я держусь).

Можно всю жизнь посвятить тому, чтобы доказать, что его мир — не единственный, и что жить можно по-другому. Но зачем, если можно просто жить так, как хочется тебе. Это ли не доказательство.

I’m all right if you ask me, but you never do

Is this thing on, I’m coming to shoot from the side of Dirty Canal

And I never felt better since I let it go

You find out who your friends are when the city’s cold

You speak like a child

And I’ve been reading the French press

And I’ve been disconnected

People used to say under their breath

That you’ve got the looks and I’ve got all of the rest, didn’t work out for the best

But brother don’t you know, brother don’t you know?

That jealousy is a curse, much worse is the silence

Strange, you’re moving out of range

You keep going, it’s good to know

The cup runs over, you overflow

But nothing happens here, the time ticks slow

But the money walks and the hot air blows

And the same shirt, and the same crack, the same window

#писатель а #рефлексия #дневник а


Identity is the crisis, can’t you see?

Identity, identity

When you look in the mirror, do you see yourself?

Do you see yourself on the tv screen?

Do you see yourself in the magazine

When you see yourself, does it make you scream?

Identity is the crisis, can’t you see?

Identity, identity


Identity is the crisis, can’t you see?

Identity, identity

When you look in the mirror, do you smash it quick?

Do you take the glass and slash your wrists?

Did you do it for fame, did you do it in a fit?

Did you do it before you readaboutit?

Identity is the crisis, can’t you see?

Identity, identity





You hear me?

No matter what crossroads you find yourself at right now or how deep the water is, you have all you need.

I promise.

Believe. Put one foot in front of the other. And don’t look beyond that next step.

Persistence, perseverance and patience.

I believe in you — so you should, too.

Бреду по просеке — холодной, белой, грязной, и прямо-таки спиной ощущаю, что все получится. Все получится. Все выйдет так, не мытьем, так катанием, так трудом, потом, нервами, слезами. Но выйдет, но будет — не чудо, закономерность. Все получится.

Думаю. Не ошибка ли это? Не будет ли мне грустно потом, когда он добьется успеха и окончательно забудет про хорошее отношение ко мне? У меня был шанс начать взрослую, самостоятельную жизнь. Шанс командовать путешествиями и делами, шанс, который я отвергла. Новых шансов пока что-то не предвидится.

Думаю написать нечто вроде "не забудь меня, когда станешь знаменитым". Минуточку, а что я, не ценность сама по себе? Не человек, с которым хочется гулять каждый день?

Мысленный список в голове того, что бесит в некоторых других, которым хочется отвечать. Ищу перекрестные точки. Нашла парочку. Раскручиваю себя с воображаемым психологом дальше. Помогает? Ну так, он же не настоящий. Читаю книги. Прочла много.

Умерла преподавательница, значившая для меня невероятно много. Ком в горле. Лечение не помогло. И как теперь что-то писать, как теперь возвращаться к этому…ради нее. Но ведь она не прочтет, не посмотрит, не подскажет, не пошутит. Господи, какие мы были дураки. Дай мне сил в следующей жизни поступить в такое же прекрасное место и не прогулять больше ни одной пары.

Стою в планке. Пломба сломалась. Поздравила язву с днем рождения и даже не написала ей, что путешествия её никому не интересны.

You have to do it running

But you do everything that they ask you to

’Cause you don’t mind seeing yourself in a picture

As long as you look faraway, as long as you look removed

Showered and blue-blazered, fill yourself with quarters

Showered and blue-blazered, fill yourself with quarters

You get mistaken for strangers by your own friends

When you pass them at night

Under the silvery, silvery Citibank lights

Arm in arm in arm and eyes and eyes, glazing under

Oh, you wouldn’t want an angel watching over you

Surprise, surprise, they wouldn’t wanna watch

Another un-innocent, elegant fall

Into the un-magnificent lives of adults

Make up something to believe in your heart of hearts

So you have something to wear on your sleeve of sleeves

So you swear, you just saw a feathery woman

Carry a blindfolded man through the trees

#рефлексия #писатель а #дневник а

Oh Father, I’m in trouble deep

Oh Mother, all I do is sleep

Oh Sister, can you feel my grief tonight

Not looking for a saviour

’Cause I’m not one to blame, yeah

Somebody tell me how can I survive

Not looking for a hero

But I can’t even see how

I’m gonna make it out of this alive

I was always desperate to be saved

Mad at being loved, mad at change

Swaying like a sailor in the sea

Want someone to anchor me

It was never supposed to become a tradition or anything of the kind, really. It was just Wei Ying, just the first snow, the giddy feeling of it landing on your coat and open palms, melting instantly. But it did. Now, it’s him, the first snow, and the river bank. And the stranger.

Wei Ying has taken to coming to the river to watch the snow land and stifle the city that he has made his home. His, and A-Yuan’s, who is at home now, undeniably plastered to the window of his bedroom with their cat, watching the snow in the headlights of the passing cars. It’s Sunday, the day tellingly gloomy and lead-coloured. Wei Ying’s head knew about the upcoming snow before any forecast did, which still failed. It predicted snow for tomorrow, but it’s happening today already. A-Yuan thought it was ash from the bonfires at first.

Wei Ying is restless against the fencing, the carton tray he brought along is at his knees, resting on the fencing’s platform. It’s nearing five, he can’t feel his hands and nose, but Wei Ying tells himself that he’ll come. If he doesn’t – well. Maybe next year.

He busies himself with watching the snowflakes, or rather graupel, disappear once it reaches the surface. Water to water, stark white into the welcoming darkness of the same kin. It fits the city. It fits Wei Ying. Sometimes he envies the snowflakes. Sometimes he’s the river.

Despite it being the weekend, there’s no one around, because the wind is unforgiving and slashing. The nature invites to join its slumber, and Wei Ying almost did, with A-Yuan and Ghost tucked in on both sides. But he has a plan, a wish, a need to quench. Perhaps the snow will help.

Wei Ying nervously glances at his watch – it’s ten past five, tsks, turns his head and – the stranger is here, watching the snow exactly how Wei Ying’s been for the past hour. He doesn’t fidget – he never does, according to Wei Ying’s scanty data collected over three years. Wei Ying gulps, hands clenching into fists. His palms are clammy and ice-cold, but it doesn’t matter. He won’t disturb the stranger with them, he just wants to say hi.

The man is standing two spans down, the flaps of his grey coat hitting his legs. Wei Ying draws a breath. He wills his hands to cooperate, picks up the tray, and strides up to the stranger. Wei Ying is never shy about meeting new people, approaching them. With this man, it’s different. Wei Ying doesn’t know why, and it makes him quietly unsettled. Perhaps it will end today.

The man doesn’t turn as Wei Ying comes up to his side, and Wei Ying gives himself three hysterical seconds to realise that the man is gorgeous, even just one side of his face, taller than him, and completely expressionless. Still, he looks stern. Cold, like the river.

“Hi, ” Wei Ying manages, and coughs once to clear his stupid throat. “Hi, ” he repeats, brighter. The man turns to him slightly, still expressionless, which is fine, Wei Ying can work with that.

“I, uh, see you here watching the first snow every year, three years, actually. Me too.” Wei Ying’s heart leaps into his throat as the man turns to him with his whole body. Heavens, how can someone be so beautiful. If he fails, Wei Ying can’t even fling himself into the river from embarrassment.

“I am aware, ” the man says, and Wei Ying’s brain screeches to a halt.

“Oh, ” Wei Ying blurts out, and at least his cheeks start thawing from the blush. So the man has been watching him too.

“I’m Wei Ying, not a creep. I just wanted to say hi! And, ” Wei Ying points down with his chin. “I have coffee. And tea! I didn’t know what you like. I got both.”

The man inclines his head, gaze dropping to eye the tray. Wei Ying swears his brows twitch. Is that how he frowns?

“It’s freezing today, so I thought, ” Wei Ying cuts himself off. He didn’t really think that much, he just barreled into the coffee shop and ordered. “There’s a black coffee, a green tea, fruity, also black, and a cappuccino. Deflated, but, ” he shrugs, the warming talismans flapping on the wind. “If you’d like something else, I can get it! Just say the word, it’s not that far away. I just wanted to, ” Wei Ying parrots, desperate.

The man looks up at him, then down at the tray, then at him again. Wei Ying can’t feel his fingers, but he must be maiming the carton.

“Green tea, please, ” the man says, and Wei Ying breaks into a ready grin.

“Sure! I have sugar packets, in case you need them.”

Now, Wei Ying hasn’t thought of the logistics that well, so sue him.

“Ah, can you?” he says, and the man readily takes the tray from him. He’s wearing gloves, Wei Ying feels. “Thank you! Sorry, I can’t do it one-handed, I’d just spill everything.”


Wei Ying blushes violently. He tears the talismans from two cups, snatches the green tea one out of its nest, the cappuccino for himself, and ta-das victoriously. “Sugar?"

The man shakes his head. "Thank you."

Wei Ying smiles at him. Something in him unspools. The snow helps.

Wei Ying takes the tray back, hands the cup to the stranger, and lets the warmth from his cappuccino seep into his skin. He watches the snowflakes land on the man’s coat, on his dark hair, on his nose and lashes, melting. Wei Ying looks away, aware of his indecent staring.

He puts the tray on the platform – A-Yuan will enjoy the tea – and turns to the river. The ripples are soothing, nudged by the wind. The snow is growing stronger, the day darker, his trainers slippery on the wet pavement.

They keep silent, and Wei Ying is okay with that. More than just okay, if he’s being honest.

“Your hands are cold, ” he hears amidst the whirlpool of his thoughts. He turns around.


The stranger is done with tea, it seems, and he watches Wei Ying’s blisteringly red hands. “Your hands. You are cold.”

Wei Ying shrugs. “It’s fine.”

The man inserts his cup into the tray and takes his gloves off, which –

“No, it’s fine, no need! I never carry gloves, and A-Yuan always scolds me for it, but even if I do, I always forget to wear them, or I lose them, so I never even carry gloves."

The man takes Wei Ying’s cup next.

“You can lose them, ” he says, taking Wei Ying by the wrist and shoving his hand into the glove. It’s fuzzy on the inside and treacherously warm. Wei Ying’s stomach lurches from the touch of fingers on his skin.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

It’s first snow again, late this year – it’s December already. It’s Wednesday, past Lan Zhan’s bedtime, but it’s snowing, so he made amendments. Wei Ying unscrews a thermos with tea, while Lan Zhan holds out two cups. The tea steams in the cold. Wei Ying is wearing Lan Zhan’s gloves, ultimately too big for him, but he refuses to wear another pair. Any of the three pairs Lan Zhan had bought him.

“You should have worn a hat, ” Lan Zhan says, ever the worrywart. “Your hair will get wet.”

"If i get sick, you’ll kiss it away."

Lan Zhan hums his assent, and takes the thermos from Wei Ying.

The river is already hidden under a thin layer of ice, almost translucent. The snow is soft and slow, like an early morning kiss.

Lan Zhan hugs him from the back, warm, familiar. The river bank is empty, people getting warm elsewhere, on the night of the first snow.

Wei Ying is shivering in the embrace, overwhelmed and grateful. More snowflakes in the tea, on his gloved hands, on Lan Zhan’s hair.

Wei Ying watches the river. He doesn’t feel like it anymore.

think i just have to start making notes like this otherwise im going crazy

i just re-watched one of my favorite teenager films. one of the first of that type — meaningful, deep, but for someone — stupid and shallow

so there were two — Keith and Natalie

god I hope nobody finds this when I’ll die

and they, actually he, screw their relationships, but he’s the one who started them, she didn’t needed them at all. or did she?

and this moment, when she came out for bowling with him and gave him that look. they’re looking for each other like there’s no thigs in the world they can screw ever again

like we’re sometime

when it seemed like earth stopped turning and there’s no life after, like we’we ruining each other’s lifes enough


you met me

i met you

and it started all over again, but with more sad look at each other

and one day it was over

я в 18 лет: омагад, у меня голова грязная!!!!11! я не выйду на улицу, если не уложу челку!! мне даже снится, что я мою голову, если два дня хожу так!11!1: ((

я в 25 лет: помыла голову, с почти мокрой уехала по делам, на сквозняке в маршрутке досушила, в огороде завязала японский хвост, что-то выпало, пшто волосы *еще пока* не доросли, поспала на своей апду, уехала домой. смотрю в зеркало и думаю: мне трындец как идет гнездо на голове.

я щас просто эмбодимент выражения do i look like i care

I know it’s hard to be soft

I know it hurts to be kind

I know that when love is lost it’s only fear in disguise

But I still believe the world is beautiful

And I still believe only the weak ones are cruel.

I know so many boys and girls

People all across the world

We walk and talk and think alike

And we all cry the same tears at night

You don’t know me like you think you do.

Ever since my dreams changed I came crashing down like a paper plane

But nothing ever stays the same and all I know is life is strange

I carry along a feel of unease

I want to belong like the birds in the trees

But I’m a machine. An emotional being.

And I smile with tears in my eyes - waving goodbye to the suckers in my rearview mirror

Cause true hearts, they never lie

I like to think about how we all look from afar

People driving fancy cars look like beetles to the stars

The missiles and the bombs sound like symphonies gone wrong

And if there is a God, they’ll know why it’s so hard

You’re not living in this world alone.

We all live in the same universe where the stars collide as the planets turn

Find me

In another place and time

All of the days that we spend apart my love is a planet revolving your heart

I can see the flowers now, and the greenery

I take a breath of air and I feel free

No longer too afraid.


1. "На игле" 1996г.

Одна из любимых экранизаций, один из любимых фильмов в принципе; сколько раз пересматривала его - даже и не сосчитаю, а после прочтения книги окончательно нашла в Марке Рентоне очень близкого для себя героя.

2. "Заводной апельсин" 1971г.

Ещё одна неплохая экранизация, на этот раз по Бёрджессу; этот фильм довольно грубый, местами грязный, но при этом весьма ироничный и приправлен вариациями музыкальных тем Бетховена. Пересматривала точно пару-тройку раз и каждый раз нахожу в этом фильме для себя что-то новое.

3. "Бойцовский клуб" 1999г.

Тот самый случай, когда экранизация получилась лучше книги - говорю это при всей моей любви к Паланику, но фильм действительно цепляет. Не могу сказать, что после просмотра я превратилась в комнатного революционера, но посмотреть этот фильм действительно стоит хотя бы раз.

4. "Generation P" 2011г.

Этот фильм тоже - экранизация, но именно он рвет шаблон, потому что это - хорошее российское кино. Немного юмора, немного политики, немного о вдохновении, трипах и рекламе, а по итогу получаешь полный врзыв мозга и.. да, хочется пересматривать, что я и делала - радует и сюжет, и посыл, и картинка.

5. "Мечтатели" 2003г

Фильм о молодости, о мечтах, о революции, о разочаровании, о любви и о дружбе - красивые актеры, красивая история, после просмотра всегда чувствуешь себя моложе, чем ты есть, будто в тебе загорается искра, которая, в зависимости от обстоятельств, готова заставить тебя и влюбиться и бросить коктейль молотова в чью-то витрину.

6. "Дневник баскетболиста" 1995г

Очередной фильм о наркотиках и о том, как они могут разрушить твою мечту, если ты потеряешь контроль - а герой Ди Каприо отлично доказывает, что контроль потерять можно в любую минуту. Не знаю, чем именно меня цепляет этот фильм, но порой я его пересматриваю.

7. "Секс, наркотики, рок-н-ролл" 2010г.

Этот фильм биографический, рассказывает историю рок-музыканта Иэна Дьюри. И история его жизни действительно интересная, что отчасти отражается в самом названии фильма, хотя некоторые аспекты и нюансы, конечно же, раскрыты уже в самом сюжете и сюжете весьма драматичном. Но история затягивает и цепляет, к тому же именно в этом фильме я услышала фразу, которая меня особенно зацепила:"если тебе скучно, значит скучный - ты".

8. "Грязь" 2013г

Очередная экранизация Уэлша и экранизация весьма удачная: во-первых, очень круто передано, как по ходу сюжета меняется главный герой, во-вторых, МакЭвой так же круто справился со своей ролью. Отдельный момент - это открытый конец фильма, который интригует и это тоже здорово цепляет.

9. "Клуб Завтрак" 1985г

Фильм о школьниках, с довольно банальным, на первый взгляд, сюжетом, но по ходу фильма все герои - с разными целями, мечтами, из разных семей и с разными проблемами, постепенно раскрываются, что дает посмотреть не только им самим друг на друга своим другими глазами, но и зритель видит все эти перемены. Этот фильм о том, что казаться - не значит быть, а ещё этот фильм по-наивному добрый, что тоже добавлет ему баллов.

10. "Хористы" 2004г

В первую очередь этот фильм, конечно, будет интересен музыкантам и педагогам, но с другой стороны, в этот фильм невозможно не влюбиться - настолько он светлый, добрый, музыкальный, что пробуждает внутри зрителя такие же светлые чувства и бонусом вызывает мотивацию работать над собой, работать вопреки трудностям и идти к своей мечте, какой бы безнадежной она ни казалась.

Waisting time through the screen

We keep watching routine

Nevermind if we end

Cause we're been so distracted

We didn't even notice

There were something

To care about.

That's all I could say

As I keep pointlessly looking


For something

It doesn't exist

But I still

Keep my eyes on TV

Do you have to send reports or ship things for your exchange frequently? On the off chance that this is the reason, at that point you should make a legitimate research of the administration choices that the messenger organizations give in momentum days. All the organizations chiefly utilize rumored administrations of package conveyance that charges overwhelming rates. Notwithstanding, on the off chance that you need to guarantee protected and opportune conveyance, you should dependably pick an administration as indicated by the conveyance needs that you have. The dispatch organizations, nowadays, for the most part accompany shifted administrations. In any case, dependably consider picking an organization that offers numerous conveyance choices at pocket-accommodating rates. Here are some factors for you to remember before hiring a delivery or courier company for the business according to Clear Publicist, a popular business blog:

1. Type of Delivery Service

Being a business person, you should choose the sort of administration that proficiently meets the transportation needs that you have. In any case, this significantly relies upon the volume and the tally of bundles. Plus, you should consider the separation and pick an administration based on how far and where you are exchanging the packages. On the off chance that a man is shipping the materials having extensive volumes over a long separation, you should pick national or else the provincial cargo transporter administrations. Then again, for single day conveyance inside 24 long stretches of light bundles and little records, select the confided in neighborhood dispatcher or messenger benefit.

2. Security

Prior to choosing a dispatch office, watch that the organization has the permit to direct exchange the particular territory. Additionally, ensure that the organization protected and fortified.

3. Speed of Delivery

Conveyance speed is a pivotal factor and the exchange holders primarily think about the speed of administrations before agreeing to an organization. Now and again, the business visionaries run over specific circumstances where they need to surge the requests. In this manner, they should pick an organization that offers various conveyance administrations like medium-term administrations, single day administrations, crisis administrations and significantly more. Picking such an organization can spare the exchange notoriety that you hold.

4. Reliability

At the point when a business person guarantees a conveyance, he or she, straightforwardly or in a roundabout way tend to offer reliable service. In this manner, the exchange holder must pick an organization that promises him or her to offer tried and true administration. Get some information about the bundle of the conveyance benefits before thinking about an organization. Additionally, look at the survey and appraisals of different messenger organizations on the destinations through the Internet.

Alongside this, you should likewise realize that the aggregate methodology of a courier company that incorporates the appearance and introduction if the staffs, drivers' vehicles mirrors the business to an incredible level. Accordingly, pick an organization where the drivers are sufficiently adequate and similarly keep up the perfect methodology of vehicles.

Prior to you take into consideration where to take your car for repair and maintenance, you have to recognize the distinction in between both. Regular upkeep products and Brisbane automotive service are those detailed in your automobile's proprietor's handbook as part of the version's solution timetable. They are planned to maintain your automobile in leading operating problem. Fixings are solution that has to be executed to deal with a trouble. Where you take your automobile might rely on exactly what has to be done.

Brisbane Automotive Service

Set up upkeep can be carried out at any kind of dealer; you do not need to go to the one where you got the automobile. Similarly, you could take your automobile to an independent auto-repair store or franchise business, which are usually less costly compared to car dealerships.

Since upkeep things are rather fundamental, nonetheless, any kind of specialist car store need to have the ability to do the essential jobs.

Fixings could vary from standard jobs such as a brake task or auto-body repair work to complex solution such as revamping a transmission or identifying an electronics-system trouble. Most likely to a dealer if your vehicle is covered by the initial guarantee and also you desire the supplier to spend for the repair. Make use of a car dealership, as well, if your cars and truck has actually been remembered or is the topic of a "solution project" where the car manufacturer uses to remedy a problem. If you have an extensive service warranty, you'll have to examine the terms to see that need to execute protected fixings.

A Brisbane automotive service - must have the ability to deal with most typical repair work. Shops that concentrate on your lorry's brand name are most likely to have the appropriate training, tools, and also updated details. A great specialist will certainly allow you recognize when an issue calls for a journey to the dealer or a specialty store.

Yet determining a technician you could rely on for your vehicle takes a great deal greater than allowing your fingers do the strolling. You need to do a little antique sleuthing. There's no solitary hint to just what makes a great service center, yet right here are some points you must search for:

Discover a look for your brand name of vehicle

Numerous garages focus on particular makes. Those that concentrate on your kind are most likely to have the current training and also tools to repair your lorry.

Ask your friends and family

Specifically look for suggestions from those that have a lorry just like your own.

Look for qualification

Offer the store a trial run

Prior to your vehicle requires a huge repair work, you could wish to check out some neighborhood shops with smaller sized fixings or upkeep things, such as oil as well as filter modifications.

Inquire about service warranties

What sort of assurances does the store give on repair? Guarantees could differ significantly amongst stores, so inquire about them beforehand. Utilize a typical repair work, such as brake job, as your overview.

Make certain the store is convenient

Also, the most effective store could not deserve the initiative if its hrs. contravene your routine or you have couple of transport choices after you hand over the cars and truck.

In an extremely competing economic system in which web-based income are gaining more profits than the returns of typical merchants, the latter should try to become much more functional than ever in an effort to thrive and build their businesses. For that reason, competing along with improving the proficiency of aspects of their functions. One essential part that a lot of vendors must put emphasis on strengthening is supplied control but this could easily be taken care of with inventory management software.

There are plenty of categories of a software program which work for a different function. Choosing and implementing types of system is an arduous duty. Good choice of software that may be helpful to finalize the work nicely without taking so much time is the key to fix the issues faced by the concern. So before employing application good decisions has to be taken since it is destined to be fairly essential to the growth and development of an affiliated business. Inventory is certainly an acquainted term to businesses. Running inventory is regarded as the challenging duties. Right now, there are sorts of inventory management software which helps in dealing with inventories proficiently. Inventory is comparable to the supply of raw substances or stuff saved in the warehouse that is available by the corporate in coming days.

Supervising inventories in the storehouse could be an extremely laborious mission seeing that checking every commodity or stuff stocked there can be very time to consume and demands loads of endeavors. Consequently, it is really advisable to utilize inventory management software. The inventory management software package reduces hard work and also will save you lots of valuable time. Inventory management software Datapel records all the number of goods or material stored in the storehouse, date of purchase of the merchandise, keeps or records sales proceedings, presents a description of goods and many more. This has served the management of firms to keep the entire course of inventories easily.

Inventory management program can be used by agencies no matter if big or small to control inventory effectively which can give you a helping hand in improving earnings and reduce the expenses drastically. This software program will also help the handling to a stock accurate degree necessary to sustain stock amounts in the stockroom. Prediction of looking after asset levels has found a standstill due to this software. Inventory management software has also assisted corporations in making correct buying decisions. These applications support the companies to distinguish which goods, supplies or items are sold better and which goods, materials or objects have sluggish sales proceedings. This will help the firms to maintain suitable supply quantities of the product that are marketed more which will make certain that no demands from the consumer are rejected due to a deficit of goods. This would provide client satisfaction and will enable them to make increased prospects.

Thus, Datapel inventory management software is regarded as vital for inventory-based companies, retailers, sellers, agencies etc. Therefore, inventory management software is deemed as a tool to take a business to a higher level.

The art of losing isn’t hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.

Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn’t hard to master.

Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.

I lost my mother’s watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn’t hard to master.

I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn’t a disaster.

—Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan’t have lied. It’s evident
the art of losing’s not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.

These days, rubbsih removal is emerging as a significant action to guarantee you a pleasant environment for healthier living. To meet this growing demand, many rubbish removal businesses have arrived at the marketplace. Every one of these businesses promise you to provide exceptional quality functions in the cheapest prices. They promise you that they'll clear unwanted clutter and crap carefully and efficiently. But, you'll discover a difference in what they say and do in fact. A wrong decision could lead to wasting of money and time. This is the reason why finding an expert rubbish removal organization is a challenging task. But, following a few helpful ideas may assist you in finding out a expert crap clearance firm.


This is definitely the main point to think about in the time of picking a corporation. So as to do it, you want to study about the neighborhood rubbish removal businesses. You may ask your friends and family regarding the very best service supplier in your region. Taking the support of the world wide web is a fantastic idea. You may look online with different search phrases that are most applicable to rubbish removal. With this technique you can readily discover the title of those firms supplying rubbish clearance service in your area. Create a list of those firms. Once it's completed, begin searching about the businesses one by one. Proceed to their official sites. Carefully examine the testimonial and support segments. In case the provided services match your requirements, it is possible to mark the business as your preferred option. Now it's your turn to experience the reviews and testimonials posted on several sites. If you find the majority of the reviews are favorable testimonials, you can choose the business under consideration.


Pricing comes only after standing. Request a few rubbish removal firms to deliver you their estimates. Today earn a comparison of their costs and the services supplied by the firms. Try to select one, which will be offering the highest quality services in the cheapest prices. Here you have to examine the prices and the amount of services provided under a service. Only considering costs isn't great constantly. There are various additional variables to take into account. You have to be aware of the grade of the service along with also the expertise of the business. You need to be well conscious of the rubbish removal techniques and recycling policies of an agency supplier.


Justifying the ability of the business is consistently excellent. It ought to be taken under consideration. An individual has to be quite clear about the potential of the provider. You ought to be aware of if the corporation may give you quality functions in the competitive rates. Assess whether the business ensures healthy cleaning by employing many environmentally friendly cleaning stuff. Know if the business has implemented a broader array of functions. Attempt to acquire a firm specializing in the service which you're searching for.

These are the 3 major facts to think about prior to employing a specialist rubbish removal firm.

Так долго не знала, каково это – уединиться со своим компьютером и писать, писать, никем не подгоняемая, что сама забыла, как это делать. Лето. Лето? Ау. Лето только в фильме у Кирилла Серебрянникова, если можно так выразиться. Пытаюсь взять за правило: зарядка утром, трекер сна, чтобы не ложиться в 2:58, вечерний моцион. Но – такое уж это место, дача – выползать на свет божий в мегаполис с каждым днем хочется все меньше и меньше.

Смотрела на жасмин, который не жасмин вовсе, а самый банальнейший чубушник, но зато – только-только зацвел, еще не успел надышать в свежий воздух своим чудным индолом, от которого не скрыться в жару. Жары-то нет. Летние вещи – вот они, настроение, выставки, террасы в кафе – все при деле, но самого тепла, в которое хочется жить и иногда умереть в ванне со льдом – нет этого. Но. Жасмин появляется каждый год, каждое лето, независимо от того, +15 или +32 на градуснике. Зацветает. Заполняет белыми элегантными цветками все ощутимое пространство черной зелени, свисает, обволакивает, здоровый кустарник. Значит, лето все-таки есть. Пришло. Да, детка, ты учишь право, плачешь по шоппингу и духам с этим самым индолом, обжираешься клубникой и черешней, спишь в двуспальной кровати на краешке и отгоняешь планы про море. Это лето.

Say you’re in a way

What a lie

But you look at me that way

What a day

What a lie

What a waste

You still show me, oh, make me wonder

Streetlights when I was younger

I had to keep running

I had to keep on coming but

Here comes the rain and the thunder

Here it comes, it pulls you under

I, I, I…


“When I was obsessed with Panic! At The Disco.
“ - I can’t. he’s so cute, he’s so cute. Come on, he’s like Jesus and chocolate. Just look at him!”
Then I realized it really wasn’t about the music.”

Love, Simon + Panic! At The Disco References

When you design the landscape of your home, something that you should not neglect is the lights. Lighting from lighting designs Sydney is a really various ability as compared to the remainder of landscape design as it calls for a great understanding of the buildings of light along with the functionalities of mounting an illumination system. In this write-up, I'll be discussing the best ways to obtain one of the most from your yard illumination as well as how you can make sure that you utilize an eco-friendly lights system.

Lighting Designs Sydney

The most effective means to begin creating your lights is to attract basic representation of your yard as well as where its highlights are. You need to likewise attract where the power factors get on the map to make sure that you recognize where all the leads from the illumination need to wind up. When you have a map, you could begin to select where you would certainly such as the light to concentrate. Do not attempt as well as choose a great deal of various prime focus due to the fact that this will generally wind up looking as well arbitrary as well as messy when the lights get on. Rather you ought to just choose one, or an optimum of two locations in the yard where you assume the lights must be concentrated.

When have you actually selected were and also exactly what you would certainly such as the lights to brighten you have to think of what it costs? illumination you are most likely to utilize. You must never ever make use of excessive illumination. The concept isn't really to produce a daytime result in your yard in the evening since not just will this not look excellent however it is additionally light contamination. Rather, attempt as well as discover a means of discreetly utilizing lighting to highlight one of the most appealing locations of the yard. Be considerate of the remainder of your community as they are not likely to desire great deals of light contamination every evening.

Due to the fact that the lights are most likely to get on every evening in your yard, you need to consider the best ways to be eco-friendly as well as lower your power expense. You could obtain solar energy exterior lights for this. They are additionally helpful due to the fact that you do not need to fret about positioning them near a power outlet.

The good idea regarding outside illumination with the help of lighting designs Sydney is that it is very easy to mount and very easy to walk around. Therefore, you should not hesitate to experiment a little bit with various illumination settings and also designs till you locate a configuration that you like one of the most. While attracting a layout of your yard is a great way to obtain your initial suggestions, you would certainly marvel the number of wonderful mixes of lights you could locate when you begin to experiment. If you want your landscape to turn into something great, then lighting is your key.

A water heater is not something we consider frequently. It is only one of those minions that operates in the background and maintains your house in sync with each day to day actions.

gas water heater NZ will collect sediments

Whether you're cleaning or cooking, you expect the water to be hot once you turn the tap into the desired temperature. The exact same is anticipated when you turn on a light switch in a space.

Regrettably, the water heater is not usually given any idea until it is too late. Water which is not heated, or even worse, a cellar filled with water.

The cellar circumstance looks pretty tame in comparison with water heaters which are stored in the loft. Our neighbor was discovered firsthand as she cleared her feet. She was only bought the townhome next door and had the house with all appliances.

Listed below are some of the components that may break and require repair during the Lifetime of your water heater:

The pilot light goes out

The electrical circuit breaker is triggered

A broken thermostat

A faulty heating component

A stuck valve

All those things can be repaired and can not be helped.

The life expectancy of a traditional water heater is a a 6-year warranty. We analyzed our own lately and recognized it had been 14 years of age. We arrived at the consensus that 'our water heater had been living on borrowed time'. Through the year's gas water heater, NZ will collect the sediments at the bottom of the tank which can not get flushed out any longer. Your device will use a lot more energy, whilst heating less water, along with the corrosion.

Tank-less vs Traditional - After speaking with all of our neighbors and friends. The upfront price was likely to be, however, the energy in the future was planning to spend money on the apparatus inside of a couple of years. It appeared like the choice was comparatively simple to create. The plumber is said to be a different narrative.neighboursand friends, as we were, decided to go with tankless unit. The upfront price was likely to be, however, the energy in the future was planning to spend money on the apparatus inside of a couple of years. It appeared like the choice was comparatively simple to create. The plumber is said to be a different narrative.

For your tank-less water heater to operate properly it requires a 3/4 "gas line coming to the apparatus." Our gas line was a mere 1/2 "and we had to update. The expense of the installation. Only the radically jumped up and we'd be left with a mess.

Replacing the older gas water heater NZusing a traditional one was not just the most sensitive to your own house, but it was also much easier on the pocket.

The upside - Due to technological improvements newer versions of traditional gas water heaters are not only more energy efficient but are assembled in this manner that they are inhibited.

You need to weigh your choices and discover which sort of unit. Cost-efficacy versus your upfront cost. It surely does not hurt to find a couple of different kinds of quotes for the occupation out of local plumbers.

Routine maintenance pays off at the conclusion - here is a small tip that will add to your own water heaters life and its own performance. Flush your water heater yearly! This involves shutting up the unit and hooking up a normal garden home to it. By flushing your water heater you'll be eliminating the most of the mineral residue that could corrode inner pieces.

Do not allow the 'out of sight out of mind' habit.

A busted down water heater. By being proactive you can budget for this price and with the annual maintenance, you will be able to guarantee that the very best functionality and long life expectancy.

Не ходите, дети, в магу поступать. Она вас сожрет и не подавится. А вообще, вообще, вот чисто по-человечески обидно: пять лет жизни отдать Университету, чтобы он в летнюю сессию так с тобой обращался.

А Аркадный Огонь - вечен.

A thousand girls that look like me
Staring out at the open sea
Repeat the words until they’re true

Cover my eyes electric blue
Now I can’t get my head around it
I thought I found it
But I found out I don’t know shit
Now I can’t get my head around it
I thought I found it
But I found out


Now you’ve got me so confused
‘Cause I don’t know how to sing your blues
Jesus Christ, what could I do?
I don’t know how to sing your blues

Now I can’t get my head around it

I thought I found it, but I found out
Cover my eyes electric blue

Cover my eyes electric blue
Every single night I dream about you
Every single night I dream about you
Cover my eyes electric blue
Cover my eyes electric blue
Every single night I dream about you
Every single night I dream about you
Cover my eyes electric blue
Cover my eyes electric blue
Every single night I dream about you
Every single night I dream about you

Ну что. В первый день нового года, я, как обычно, бесилась, и, как необычно, зачем-то напилась. Видимо, чтобы потом полночи размышлять о водке и собственной жизни. Вирджиния Вульф не читается. Вообще ничего не читается, потому что надо же сосредоточиться, а это решительно невозможно. У меня тут еще на проводе готовый-на-все-мужчина, выложившийся на максимум, который терпеливо ждет, когда я приду в себя. А я не хочу приходить в себя. На айфоне не работает Touch ID, бабушка ждет, что я буду убираться на кладбище, никто не даст мне денег на коррекцию зрения и новые шмотки, и, самое главное - на ноутбук. Нечего надеть под новый жакет, который был получен странным и не очень красивым путем (какой-то патриархальный флэшбек с прикидываниями гофрированным шлангом). И посреди всего этого безумия - май, и +27 вчера и +13 сегодня, и так всю неделю (ну хоть не снег, хотя на 9.05 обещают). И - посреди всего этого безумия - новости от Флоренс, чистые, безумные, яркие, глубокие, в 4-ый раз точно в цель бьющие…"posing unanswering spiritual question in a pop-song - we'll probably never found out, so we can dance about it". И я бьюсь об заклад, что она влюбилась, что все это так сплетено паралельно, специально, удивительно. И ты снова выживаешь, впитываешь, выпиваешь до последней капли кажду строчку, каждую секунду, каждый звук того, что сам сказать не мог.

"…There is a bigger heartbreak underneath. You don't love yourself"

At seventeen, I started to starve myself
I thought that love was a kind of emptiness
And at least I understood then the hunger I felt
And I didn't have to call it loneliness

We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger

Tell me what you need, oh, you look so free
The way you use your body, baby, come on and work it for me
Don't let it get you down, you're the best thing I've seen
We never found the answer but we knew one thing

We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger

And it's Friday night and it's kicking in
And I can't dress, they're gonna crucify me
Oh, but you and all your vibrant youth
How could anything bad ever happen to you?
You make a fool of death with your beauty, and for a moment

I thought that love was in the drugs
But the more I took, the more it took away
And I could never get enough
I thought that love was on the stage
You give yourself to strangers
You don't have to be afraid
And then it tries to find a home with people, oh, and I'm alone
Picking it apart and staring at your phone

And it's Friday night and it's kicking in
And I can't dress, they're gonna crucify me
Oh, you and all your vibrant youth
How could anything bad ever happen to you?
You make a fool of death with your beauty, and for a moment
I forget to worry

When confronted with the legal issues of the family, the most important thing in the world is Camden. For obvious reasons, you need only to hire the best practitioners. Although Camden's law on the family issues is no way different from those of other counties in this country it would still be a huge issue. Doing so will somehow provide you the advantage of getting a higher percentage of winning your case. Is simply this Reason why more and more Individuals in Camden facing legal-Matters involving household Issuesopted to hire only some of the best lawyers in Camden specializing in the family law of the county. Of course, those people have the different perspective on Camden's laws and their clients. Here are some of the most important things in the world: Camden:

Gryphon Lawyers family law Camden

· Getting the best legal advice - if you are going to hire only the best practitioners in the domestic act Camden, you will definitely get the best legal advices you wish to get. Nearly all the clients of the legal issues of the pertinent to the family issues, they would surely want to seek only the best legal advice from Gryphon Lawyers family law Camden they can possibly get. This is actually human instinct as I may say. I mean there is no one in my mind who would not want to get off the hook from any legal problems. And most often those individuals believe they can surely get the best legal advice only from those who are truly expert on the matter and even the best in this legal profession.

· To be well represented in court proceedings - while winning a case is a big issue for those facing legal charges on family issues, it is equally important for them. This is why it really is important to get the services of solicitors.

· Getting higher percent of winning the case - one important reason for people in Camden to prefer only the best practitioners for the place. This is why it is pretty important for them. Choose also one with extensive experience and incomparable expertise. Hence, the next time you will be looking out for the best legal advice on family issues, Camden.


This is an article discussing family law Camden. It somehow provides readers with the importance of hiring the best practitioner for it.

In order to maintain your campers in the good working problem, it is very important that you consistently preserve it and also right away embark on fixings making use of the suitable extra components. Not just will this guarantee that your van fits throughout your escapes, it will certainly additionally guarantee that you obtain the very best rate feasible when it comes time to sell up, as you could additionally market whatever saves you have actually left over. There are a variety of spares that your campers need, as well as this overview is created to take a more detailed take a look at them:

Caravan Repairs Sunshine Coast

Cleansing products: Every caravan repairs sunshine coast needs to have its very own vacuum, full with a telescopic tube to ensure that you could enter into all the little spaces as well as crannies. There are a variety of small models in the marketplace currently, so you ought to have the ability to locate one to match a cabinet someplace. You might additionally wish to consider purchasing a jet-wash device, which will certainly enable you to conveniently blow up away the dust and also crud that develops outside of your campers throughout traveling.

Covering and also framework: You need to frequently evaluate the beyond your campers, consisting of the tow bar and also the tires, to make sure that there is no damages. See to it that the port is maintained well lubed, as this will certainly make sure that it efficiently affixes to your automobile as well as minimizes the possibilities of scrapes or damages happening. It is additionally a smart idea to maintain an extra tire or 2 someplace aboard your campers, as you never ever understand when you're most likely to experience a level.

Lights: Having extra light worlds handy is constantly a perk when it involves camper’s vacations, as you never ever understand when your present ones are most likely to blow and also leave you in darkness. Some campers need using unique sized worlds, which are frequently a little bit extra costly, yet you could constantly make your cash back by marketing them on with the van. It is likewise a concept to have a lantern or 2 and also some batteries available simply in case you should endeavor exterior during the night.

There are a variety of various other spares as well as components that your caravan repairs sunshine coast can gain from carrying hand, consisting of devices, fixing sets as well as emergency treatment sets. Not just will this guarantee that you are gotten ready for anything throughout your trips, it could aid you make some neat earnings when it comes time to market your campers (whether it is due to the fact that your van remains in costs problem or since you could offer the remaining spares to the brand-new proprietor). With all these information, be sure that you take good care of your caravan in order to avoid unnecessary costs and so you can make the most out of it.

After the original cartridge is used up, we are faced with a problem, how to replace toner cartridge after the original cartridge is replaced, a number of problems should be paid attention to during the replacement process, or it may result in the installation failure, or the overflow of the toner. If you're not good at it, check it out.

1. Open the printer and press the power button.

2. View the information display window of the printer to determine the ink amount. If it shows, "toner is used up", you have to replace the finished cartridge.

3. Open the printer door and access the toner cartridge. Maybe you'll have to hold down the release button and pull over to you.

4. Remove the used cartridge from the printer. For some printers, you can hold the blue release button and the cartridge bracket on the side. Once unlocked, pull up and take out the cartridge.

5. Change the cartridge. Take out the new cartridge and gently shake it, which will help to completely distribute the toner cartridge. The color tag pulled out of the cartridge. This removes the masking tape from the bottom of the cartridge. Be careful not to touch the image drum at the bottom of the printer cartridge, because the stain on the light-sensitive drum can cause the printing quality problem. It should be stuck in a safe place, in line with other ink cartridges. You'll know it's the blue release button that you're looking at. If you return to a locked position, your cartridge is safe. In the cradle of the device, be sure to close the cartridge and close the cartridge around it. Be ready to use your printer.

6. Print test pages. Your computer will automatically recognize the new cartridge installed. Most computing opportunities ask you if you want to print a test page to make sure the new cartridge is functional. Click ok. The computer will scan the printer Settings and eventually produce full-color pages.

In the end, if you have any questions about the toner cartridge, please consult INK E-SALE. INK E-SALE has several kinds of toner cartridges, for example, brother toner, canon toner, samsung toner and so on.

Finding the right or the ideal caterer is very important because it is essential in ensuring that the event or the party will be a successful one. Whether you are planning a simple gathering with friends, an intimate reunion with your family and relatives or a great celebration, where you will be invited by a reliable caterer. You can not expect to have a fun-filled and memorable party if you try and do everything on your own. You will definitely need assistance from professional staff and from trustworthy.

There are a few things that you need to know when hiring paella party catering services. First, you have a lot of companies that can offer you with this type of service. You can try and do some internet research. If you check out the list of caterers in your area, you might get overwhelmed by the numbers. To help you with this, here are a few things that you need to do first:

Make a List of Questions- You have to prepare for a series of questions. Here are some of the things that you might want to ask these companies:

  • How much does your services cost?
  • Do you offer promos or packages?
  • What are included in your services?
  • Do you offer other services like venue styling, etc?
  • Do you provide your clients with a contract?
  • When is the payment needed for your service? Is there a reservation fee? Do you require an initial deposit?

Think about Your Demands- When we say demands, this includes the amount of food and drinks to be served. Think about what type of paella do you want to have. Is there a specific food item that you want to include on the menu? Do you want to cross out a particular item like seafood because you want to avoid food allergies? How long will you need the caterer's services? Make sure to finalize all of these. Then, they can tell you.

Check out their Reputation- This has something to do with evaluating the quality of their work. This is not only their quality. The way they are. You can easily check this out. Check out the Facebook reviews or look for mentions on Twitter. There are tons of reviews that you can check there. If not, you can visit online review sites such as Yelp or Better Business Bureau. There, you can check out how people check out which catering service providers are best rated or liked by the reviewers.

It's constantly a satisfaction to appreciate the loss of amazing air on our body specifically throughout warm summertime’s. You could participate in a marital relationship or any kind of various other individual features or conferences with your face emitting light beams of quality.

An effective car A/C might significantly reduce the exhaustion triggered by the lengthy drives particularly auto air conditioning unit in lots of automobiles which would certainly be the desire cars and trucks these days' children.

Auto Air Conditioning Service

Vehicle air conditioning is constantly not a common enhancement supplied by an automobile. Cars and trucks made prior to 1940 did not have the attribute as it was not developed already. Slowly a number of improvements were done to the system. The fixing calls for a qualified expert's aid. Individuals interested to obtain to recognize all-time low of points could try to do some repair work on their own working out care.

In tiny air-conditioned autos, there might be a minor decrease in choice up of the lorry, however, this will certainly not hold true with large autos.

The Requirement Components of Automotive Cooling

The automobile A/C system makes up 7 huge parts that are common the target of auto air conditioning service. These components are:

1) Compressor - As the heart is to the body, so is a compressor to the Air Conditioning system. It is essentially a pump attached to the engine whose primary feature is to press the cooling agent from the evaporator coils and also the compressor, or "the heart of the system, " is a pump that is affixed to the engine. Its objective is to press and also move refrigerant gas. The compressor has both consumption as well as a discharge side.

2) Condenser - It works quite like the radiator and also will certainly usually have a comparable look. The function of the condenser is to emit or to distribute warm, so whenever the Air Conditioner is activated condenser has to have an excellent supply of air for cooling down objectives.

3) Evaporator - Its principal obligation is to take in warm. Obtaining rid of warmth from within your lorry, it is additionally liable for evaporating the automobile. In order to control the temperature level of the evaporator, stress presenting stress managing tools like orifice tube is needed

4) The receiver is made use of in auto cooling systems that use thermal development shutoffs as stress controlling tools to guarantee that this stress managing gadget obtains the fluid cooling agent that it requires in order to work. In order to do so, it has to divide gas as well as fluid.

5) The collector is utilized just on auto cooling systems that have the orifice tube as the stress controlling gadget, as well as its primary feature is to save excess fluid cooling agent. In doing so, it avoids any kind of fluid from going into the compressor, which might be destructive to the system.

Even with the contemporary developments that have actually been made in the vehicle area given that the intro of auto air conditioning service, it is still feasible to preserve your very own system also if it is a past day design.

A hair salon can be a place where a person is mostly out of compulsion, when it is mandatory to get a good haircut. Although there are a few who may visit them out of choice, like while getting a new hair style, a mustache job, etc. But for me, that's hardly the case and consequently I look forward to hair salons. Well, to be precise, one can find a lot of hair salons in the vicinity but then there are some other things that can not be compromised upon in addition to getting a neat cut. I think many people can find these 'other things' too much on them.

The experience of craftsmen must be known

It is very important to know the kind of hair that can be provided by a hair salon. Many hair salons near me have a catalog or a booklet that I can expect from them. This type of booklet can be really helpful in finding out the offerings of the business. It can also provide good insight on the craftsmen's experience in the trade. Also, there are salons that have everything about the business that can be arrived at easily. Now, each time I make up my mind, I choose to visit a new experience.

Convenience and ambience does matter too

Most hair salons near me. In fact, a place where I landed for the 30 or 40 odd minutes, I do it the same way. I always try to find out the conveniences and ambience of the place before I take the call of hair cutting. For instance, in the summer seasons, it is essentially important to have air conditioners. I believe most people would also share this concern genuinely for all the frankness.

Any type of offers can be useful

There are hair salons near me that offer many types of offers and discounts. Some offer a 10% discount on the first visit and there are others that give a 15% student discount and so on. Well, these things can be invited to the point. Anyway, for some people, these discounts and offers can vary from person to person.

Last but not least, the cost of service should be competitive and economical. I am fortunate in this that the hair salons. Although these are some of the most reputed brands in the business. It can absolutely lend a value for the money.

у Got7 недавно был камбэк. как-то так складывается, что я всегда попадаю на их шоукейсы в v live, причем случайно. так вот, они всегда такие энергичные, забавные и шумные, даже если устали. чего стоят выпуски weekly idol с ним, над которыми я ухахатываюсь каждый раз. "eyse on you" - отличный альбом. я уже заслушивалась ' one and only you ', а теперь у меня на повторе их заглавная песня ' look '. она прекрасна, как и танец, от которого невозможно оторвать глаз. особенно та часть с зеркальным танцем Джингемов*__* надеюсь, в этот раз они отхватят парочку наград, перед тем, как отправиться в мировой тур, омг как же я хочу попасть на их концерт в июне!*__*

буквально пару часов назад Wanna one выпустили новый мини-альбом с заглавной песней ' boomerang '. еще до релиза альбома, они опубликовали ' i promise you', которую я также заслушала до дыр. повторюсь: голос Джехвана, переход с партией Даниэля и конечный бит.вау. а теперь они выпустили такую энергичную ' boomerang ', так и хочется пропеть wing wing wing boomerang*__* да и вообще, мне все песни с альбома безумно нравятся *_* и правда gold альбом*__* не хочу, чтобы их расформировывали.хах

The christening gown signifies an exceptional treasure which is a keepsake intending an important event for your child. In terms of choosing a christening gown, there is a huge selection of gowns to check out. It's the most likely the second primary, the piece of apparel, and the mother will purchase the gown. Therefore, you would certainly want to pick up the quality of the christening gown which will last forever through the decades to give you an enduring treasure of nostalgic recollections.

It's simple and easy to find beautiful christening gowns, the problem is in the presence of the christening gown that suits you, your infant, your situation and that suits your financial allowance! Therefore, you ought to make your choice carefully. Based on A Maker Of Beautiful Christening Dress From Sydney, you should consider the following when picking a christening gown:

Traditional or Modern?

The style of the christening gown is a significant choice. It's just a few traditions and personal taste. Do you want your child to wear the christening gown which you wore when you were christened? Or do you imagine the latest approach, perhaps a little tuxedo design outfit for your little guy? Choose a christening gown or christening costume that will have your beauty.

Focus on the fabric. Pick all-natural fibres that breathe well and comfortable to the baby. Fabrics like 100% cotton, linen and raw silk are great materials for christening garments. These vintage fabrics have been used for decades in the making of baby christening gowns and outfits.


White is the most well-liked choice for christening gowns, but it does not mean you are limited to that one color. You could choose any color of your choice based on what you would like to symbolize. White, however, is the desired color for a christening dress as it symbolizes purity and youth.


The climate, obviously, is a crucial concern when selecting your baby's christening gown or christening outfit. If you reside in a location where it is warm and sunny, you may want to choose a short sleeves and lighter in weight fabrics like silk or cotton. In much cooler climates, you will certainly want to think about a christening blanket, bonnet or hat and sweater.

Trim Details

Look closely at the tiny details. Are the buttons sewn on correctly or will they fall off the first time you button them? Are they proportionate to the dimensions of the christening gown? Does the color of the buttons match up the gown? Make sure the lace is suits in color and is proportionate to the dress. Are the buttons and lace connected so that you do not notice the edging?


You will need your baby to be as comfy as possible. When choosing the size of your baby's christening dress make sure the garment has enough room to move around without the cutting into his / her skin. Always verify sizing charts for proper fit. Watch that the materials are soft against the skin and do not cause itchiness.


There are plenty of accessories designed for your baby's christening, it's simple to get a little obsessive. You will need, at the lower levels; shoes, socks, bonnet or hat along with slip (for a girl's gown) and a bib to guard the town. If you reside in a much cooler climate, it's sensible to add a quilt or sweater to your list. Other terrific additions include; a christening holy bible, bracelet, or baptism towel. Do not forget a muslin upkeep bag to protect your dress after the ceremony.

Christening gowns can be dull or fancy but should be made of the best material and stitching. Christening gowns or clothes should be worked out as well as as comfy as is possible.

В общем, я дочитала очередную книгу на эту тему, посмотрела с десяток видео на ютьюбе, поговорила со своей подружкой Катей Бахмут, которая тоже уже давно сидит на этой теме (а не как я, новичок) и решила попробовать и сама сделать "установку" на свое ближайшее будущее. Идея в том, что вы берете листок бумаги и "придумываете" свое идеальное будущее, то что вы верите вы заслуживаете. И записываете все это дело в мельчайших подробностях. Если вы хотите какую-то идеальную работу, то так и пишите, что хотите там работу ветеренаром в этой пристижной ветеренарной клинике в центре Хельсинки с такой-то зарплатой, офигенными сотрудниками и не вшивыми пациентами. По скольку я хочу и я чувствую, что я готова познакомится со своим soul mate-ом, обратите внимание на слова "хочу" и "готова", то я решила написать что-то вроде повести о том, каким будет мое будущее. К слову, это очень личное, но я "планирую" выйти замуж в районе 28-29 лет, мне почему-то всегда казалось, что это идеальный возраст. Да и первого ребенка хотелось бы родить до 31ого года, так что не судите строго, да и вообще не судите. Это мое видение моего партнера, не мечты, которым никогда не сужденно сбыться, а то каким он должен быть, какого, я считаю, я абсолютно точно заслуживаю. Конечно, я и сама вижу (но вы-то нет) определенные сходства с д, но по сути дела в мою жизнь он вошел именно после того, как я и составила практически идентичный портрет моего идеального парня. Ни каким образом не пытаюсь изменить или повлиять на мысли Д, Law Of Attraction так не работает. Я просто посылаю во вселенную более открытую и детальную картину того, что мне нужно. Как я буду работать над воплощением этого всего я еще думаю, да и повесть еще толком не закончена, но лучше бы написать ее в электронном виде, а то в моих силах и привычках приспокойно прое%ать то, что я уже тут накалякала. Кстати список черт характера "идеального парня" будет приложен ниже, на английском. И представляете, Д реально не подходит только по одному пункту. Хотя моя подружка психолог из Польши говорит не хоронить его заранее и посмотреть, что и как будет дальше. Кстати о д, он сейчас в Гонконге, мы могли встретиться на прошлой неделе, но я ему сказала, чтобы он написал как вернется и после этого тишина. Я не помню точно, когда он уехал в ГК, только то, что на 10 дней. Посмотрим, напишет ли н мне или нет по приезду. Но я для себя решила, что больше, если мы как в прошлый раз снова случайно встретимся, я не поеду к нему, как бы сильно мне самой этого не хотелось. Вот так

  • tall (180 and above) and athletic with nice abs and all that
  • Good looking
  • Well educated and highly intelligent
  • Positive
  • Caring
  • Respectful
  • Adventurous
  • Life of the party
  • Wealthy and generous
  • Family oriented and ready for relationships < плак плак) )
  • Living his dream
  • Amazing communication skills
  • Doing the job he likes
  • Reliable
  • Easy going and sincere
  • Great in bed
  • Healthy
  • Strong mentally and physically
  • Able to manage situations and go on no matter what
  • Mature
  • Share love for healthy food books and traveling
  • Мне 28 лет и я замужем за богатым. немногим старше меня, красивым, позитивным, верным, любящим, высоким, общительным, уважаемым друзьями и бизнесс-партнерами. любящим путешествовать и приключения, умным и образованным, уважающим меня, мое мнения и решения, а также женщин в целом, желающим завести семью, уравновешенным, здравомыслящим, умеющим бороть трудности и находить выход из любой ситуации мужчиной, на которого всегда можно положиться и доверять с зелеными глазами и стильно стриженными и уложенными коричневыми волосами. Мы вместе с 2018 года и наши отношения гармонично и стремительно развиваются. Мы занимаемся спортом вместе, путешествуем, развиваем его бизнес и планируем нашего первого ребенка. Одно из наших любимых занятий это лежать в обнимку и разговаривать или просто готовить что-то на кухне вместе. Мы часто ходим выпивать и танцевать с нашими общими друзьями, ходим на различные мероприятия, выставки и/или показы. Он хорошо одевается и невероятно красиво танцует. Мой муж замечательный внимательный любовник и мы идеально подходим друг другу. Мы уважительно относимся к нашим культурами и разнице между ними. В случае недопониманий всегда обсуждаем возникшую проблему, делимся своим видением ситуации и пытаемся найти общий язык. Между собой мы говорим на английском, но я уже бегло разговариваю на языке мужа. У меня отличные отношнеия с его родными и друзьями, как и у него с моими. Это его первый брак и планы на первого ребенка. Мы живем в Европпе в двухэтажном доме его детсва. У нас нет домашних животных, но есть уборщица, потому что мы оба ненавидим убираться, да и дом довольно-таки большой и времени на это у нас совершенно не хватает. Я работаю удаленно, работа связанна с интернетом, даже Youtube-ом и моя работа приносит мне хороший достаток и возможности.

    Пока я не написала больше ничего. Получилось все так mate-oriented и, пожалуй, так оно и есть. Я не зависима от этой мысли. Я не слепо ищу кого попало, кто сможет попасть под это все. Я твердо уверена, что этот человек найдется сам или может уже нашелся, кто его знает.

    Буду держать вас в курсе. Люблю перечитывать этот блог время от времени. Это сейчас я пишу адекватно, что можно даже проследить за ходом моих мыслей, а вот когда я читаю старые посты, то вообще диву даюсь, откуда приходили те подписчики и вообще что они там пытались понять в тех каламбурах, что я издавала. Ой, ну все. Побежала я. Мне тут пришла моя еда из японского ресторана. Типа тарелка с рисом, а сверху порезанный лосось, авокадо и омлет. А лосося-то дофигищааа!!! Ах да, я же теперь снова пескетарианка, я не говорила ?

    Одно сплошное я, я, я…ужс

    Are you planning your first spa treatment? No worries! Here is your guide that you can sit back and enjoy your day.your guide that will take you through the process.

    Many of us have a gift card lying around for a Day Spa Paddington Sydney but we are not concerned about the whole process. The spa day at Paddington Sydney is for you to relax and enjoy and not to add stress to your day. First of all, it is absolutely ok to feel a little anxious. Anything new always brings in a feeling of anxiety. Once you are aware of what is to be expected, you should be encouraged to enjoy and relax at the spa. Maybe the following reads will help you with that.we're anxious about the whole process. The spa day at Paddington Sydney is for you to relax and enjoy. First of all, it is absolutely ok to feel a little anxious. Anything new always brings in a feeling of anxiety. Once you are aware of what is to be expected, you should be encouraged to enjoy and relax at the spa. Maybe the following reads will help you with that.

    What to do when you arrive?

    If you are looking for a spa and have not made the appointment. The day spa Paddington Sydney always takes extra efforts to ensure that their clients are comfortable. Hence they would be more than happy.extra efforts to ensure that their clients are comfortable. Hence they would be more than happy.

    While you are at it, you could also ask for the details of the treatments. This information should help you in deciding what you would like to get done on your day of spa Paddington Sydney.also ask for the details of the treatments they offer and what are the prices ranges for them. This information should help you in deciding what you would like to get done on your day of spa Paddington Sydney.

    Make sure that you let them know about your gift card. You must ask all the questions you need.

    Appointed day

    Paddington Sydney. Paddington Sydney. You might be asked to fill in with your personal information and some health concerns. If you have any questions or concerns about the content, you can ask the staff and they will help you with the form. You must confirm the services you are booked for and also find out about the duration of the treatment. Please keep in mind that you are here for a day of relaxation. Hence, the time should not be on your mind.

    During the treatment

    You will be given a specialist for the spa treatments. They might ask you some general questions about your skin or any allergies that you might have. You must talk to them frankly and share any concerns. Only then will they proceed with the process. If you are not sure or sure.will they

    If you are booked for and do not know, they will not be comfortable with the process.knowthey will make amends to it.

    We hope that the above information was helpful and that you have a great day at the spa. You are sure to come out fresh and rejuvenated to the core.

    When you think of wine delivery Shanghai as a gift to a friend or loved one, there are many reasons why it makes the perfect gift. It can be presented on a birthday, an anniversary, a milestone, as a thank you gesture, engagement, or any other occasion. What makes things even more interesting is that you can find so many different options that there is something special for every occasion.

    Occasions for a Wine Gift

    There are many occasions when a bottle of wine can make the perfect gift.

    • Friends-Giving: Your friend’s favourite wine can make the perfect gift for friends-giving. The gift can be properly boxed to ensure that there is no shattering.

    • New Parents: When you want to present something special to new parents, you should consider intoxicant order Shanghai that lasts for long. Some of the options include Auslese, Chenin Blanc, Muscat, or German Riesling. The wines can age for decades and you shouldn’t be surprised if they would preserve it for the next generation.

    • Anniversary: When it comes to anniversaries, champagnes make the perfect gift. And you can make it even more special by offering rose champagne. It is great to taste and looks elegant. And if someone is celebrating a work-related anniversary, consider giving them a magnum.

    • Engagement: When it is an engagement, sparkling wine can be the perfect toast for the couple to start their new life. Choose from a wide range of flavours and bottle designs to ensure that they match the occasion. You can customise the gift with the date in a special font that makes the couple feel special. And it is highly likely that they are going to keep the gift forever.

    • A Milestone: It can be anything. The person may have achieved something significant in life, published a book or done something big. If it is time to celebrate, you can deliver wine Shanghai to celebrate the moment. Choose a classic red wine that age well such as Napa or Bordeaux.

    • Housewarming: When a friend is a young man who buys a new house, it is one of the most important moments in their life. Make it even more special by congratulating them with alcohol shipping Shanghai. A perfect gift can be a great way to honor their accomplishment. Red wine can make the ideal gift and you can personalize it to make them feel more special. And the bottle is surely going to find a place in the new home.

    • A Wine Aficionado: If your friend is a wine aficionado, a bottle of exotic wine can be the perfect gift on any important occasion in their life. In this case, you would want to deliver liquor Shanghai that is special. For example, Nerello Mascalese is one of the most sought-after premium wines among wine geeks.


    You can also consider gifting wine as a thank-you gesture to a teacher, friend, or a mentor. A bottle of wine can also make the perfect gift for someone who has found a new job or is celebrating their retirement or birthday. Thus, there are many reasons why wine delivery.

    Finding some of the best massage Sydney especially for men is now a lot easy to find. Yes, this is because of the fact that this kind of pampering is now becoming a trend among men and now is very much available at Fleur de Lys Medispa . While it is true that massage regardless of its type are more popular among women there are now a lot of men who are also open to their cravings for this kind of personal pampering services. Due to its popularity, more and more spas and massage parlors are now sprouting like mushrooms in different parts of Sydney and the neighboring places. But the question is how you are going to pinpoint which of the many salons and massage parlors catering to this kind of service are really the best for men. How are you going to find it out? That is actually an easy task for anyone to deal with. For you to be able to find some of top massage-centers Sydney is to set some parameters for it. Here are some of those that you need to take note:

  • The reputation for quality service – this should be the very first area of concern whenever you will be looking for the best salon that offers different types of massage especially for men. Make sure you will only get this kind of personal service from a provider known for the kind of services they offer. For you to ensure getting the best pampering that will surely relieve you of muscle tensions entrust yourself to a massage salon known for their real good quality service. You will know it according to the feedback and reviews from their previous clients. This is one of your guides to be able to get the best choice.
  • Pool of licensed and experienced therapists – the next important thing that you need to make sure when looking for the finest massage Sydney is the skills and expertise of their therapists. You must only choose a salon with a pool of certified and truly experienced therapists. Make sure they will be able to provide you with one that can literally address men’s passion for hard pressure when deciding to pamper yourself with this kind of pampering need.
  • The kind of pressure – because of the fact that most men would prefer hard pressure for massage, it should also be among your parameters when choosing some of the excellent massage in Sydney. It is therefore among the many essential things that you need to consider when deciding which of the many service providers for this kind of massage should you choose. The best massage around Sydney for men is one that also has a pool of masculine massage therapists who are truly an expert on this kind of service. Indeed it would also be a lot important to request for a therapist who can truly afford to provide hard pressure for men to be able to truly appreciate awesome massage Sydney at Fleur de Lys Medispa.
  • Summary

    This article centers it discussion about best massage Sydney especially for men. Readers are somehow guided to get the right choice on it.

    Criminal defense lawyers sometimes get a not-so-flattering portrayal because people assume that they defend guilty folks. However, if you are a suspect in a criminal proceeding in Sydney, you need the assistance of an experienced criminal lawyer, regardless of your guilt or innocence. Acting as the defense advocate of the accused, criminal attorneys play a crucial part in Australia’s criminal justice system to realize that everyone charged with a criminal offense has the opportunity to protect themselves.

    Defense Attorneys Secure the Rights of the Accused

    Above all, a legal defense lawyer's job is to look after the rights of the accused. Looking after your legal rights under the Bill of Rights was instituted in Australia’s Constitution, criminal defense lawyers are compelled by law to assist their clients by guaranteeing that you are treated fairly by Sydney’s criminal justice process. Specifically, your criminal defense attorney's job is to see that you are permitted:

    —The right to stay silent;

    —The right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt";

    —The right to a trial by a jury of your peers;

    —The best way to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures;

    —The right to legal defense

    These rights are guaranteed by Australia’s Constitution and are applicable to most states. Hence, a legal defense lawyer is expected to provide suspects with protection against the overreach of the AU government in meeting out punishment for any individual accused of a criminal offense. If a criminal defense lawyer is not going to render realistic efforts to watch over your rights or provide effective support, he/she risks ending his/her license to practice law or other penalties.

    Criminal Lawyers Defend the Innocent

    The second main role of a legal defense attorney will be always to safeguard the innocent. We view each day about overturned criminal cases where new evidence verifies the incarceration of an innocent person that has served time as a result of an incorrect guilty verdict. Even though, most clients of criminal defense lawyers are quite discriminated culpable in the crime they have been charged with, on rare occasions, some of some lawyer's clients are truly innocent. Though a rare occurrence, innocent people are convicted and accused of criminal offenses.

    To combat the prosecution of their wrongly accused, criminal defense lawyers have to be diligent in carrying prosecutors and police accountable for every stage of their analysis in every case they handle. Because of this, defense lawyers will need to significantly take their role as advisers to the innocent and the not-so-innocent so that that the one to blame don't escape while the innocent are punished.

    Therefore, to accomplish the duty of sustaining a client’s constitutional rights and acting as a watchdog to oversee the behavior of authorities and prosecutors, a criminal defense lawyer must diligently pursue separate investigations to the offense where a client has been accused to secure a trial, then that client is either completely exonerated or that there is certainly enough evidence to prove that reasonable doubt exists to warrant his/her client's release from custody.

    And for the many cases, someone who has already reached the point of a jury trial is accountable, defense lawyers are required to offer every client the opportunity to a fair trial. Guilty or not, everyone else has the constitutional right to have a good trial. With a strong belief within the nature of the criminal justice system, reputable criminal lawyers Sydney recognize the best of each and every citizen to possess representation and sometimes must put away their feelings to signify those who have committed very serious offenses.

    Criminal Defense Lawyers Also Protect the Guilty

    Generally speaking, the persons that criminal defense attorneys like Osullivan Legal represent fall into two categories:

    ·Those who refuse criminal culpability;

    ·People who take responsibility for their criminal conduct

    Criminal defense lawyers sometimes get a not-so-flattering portrayal because people assume that they defend guilty folks. However, if you are a suspect in a criminal proceeding in Sydney, you need the assistance of an experienced criminal lawyer, regardless of your guilt or innocence. Acting as the defense advocate of the accused, criminal attorneys play a crucial part in Australia’s criminal justice system to realize that everyone charged with a criminal offense has the opportunity to protect themselves.

    Defense Attorneys Secure the Rights of the Accused

    Above all, a legal defense lawyer's job is to look after the rights of the accused. Looking after your legal rights under the Bill of Rights was instituted in Australia’s Constitution, criminal defense lawyers are compelled by law to assist their clients by guaranteeing that you are treated fairly by Sydney’s criminal justice process. Specifically, your criminal defense attorney's job is to see that you are permitted:

    —The right to stay silent;

    —The right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt";

    —The right to a trial by a jury of your peers;

    —The best way to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures;

    —The right to legal defense

    These rights are guaranteed by Australia’s Constitution and are applicable to most states. Hence, a legal defense lawyer is expected to provide suspects with protection against the overreach of the AU government in meeting out punishment for any individual accused of a criminal offense. If a criminal defense lawyer is not going to render realistic efforts to watch over your rights or provide effective support, he/she risks ending his/her license to practice law or other penalties.

    Criminal Lawyers Defend the Innocent

    The second main role of a legal defense attorney will be always to safeguard the innocent. We view each day about overturned criminal cases where new evidence verifies the incarceration of an innocent person that has served time as a result of an incorrect guilty verdict. Even though, most clients of criminal defense lawyers are quite discriminated culpable in the crime they have been charged with, on rare occasions, some of some lawyer's clients are truly innocent. Though a rare occurrence, innocent people are convicted and accused of criminal offenses.

    To combat the prosecution of their wrongly accused, criminal defense lawyers have to be diligent in carrying prosecutors and police accountable for every stage of their analysis in every case they handle. Because of this, defense lawyers will need to significantly take their role as advisers to the innocent and the not-so-innocent so that that the one to blame don't escape while the innocent are punished.

    Therefore, to accomplish the duty of sustaining a client’s constitutional rights and acting as a watchdog to oversee the behavior of authorities and prosecutors, a criminal defense lawyer must diligently pursue separate investigations to the offense where a client has been accused to secure a trial, then that client is either completely exonerated or that there is certainly enough evidence to prove that reasonable doubt exists to warrant his/her client's release from custody.

    And for the many cases, someone who has already reached the point of a jury trial is accountable, defense lawyers are required to offer every client the opportunity to a fair trial. Guilty or not, everyone else has the constitutional right to have a good trial. With a strong belief within the nature of the criminal justice system, reputable criminal lawyers Sydney recognize the best of each and every citizen to possess representation and sometimes must put away their feelings to signify those who have committed very serious offenses.

    Criminal Defense Lawyers Also Protect the Guilty

    Generally speaking, the persons that criminal defense attorneys like Osullivan Legal represent fall into two categories:

    ·Those who refuse criminal culpability;

    ·People who take responsibility for their criminal conduct

    We all dispose of significant amounts of wastes in our homes or business locations. If we left all these scraps to accumulate in one spot, we would be posing a lot of danger to the people, animals, and pets in the area. These hazards come from the stench and the risk of coming into contact with this garbage. Sydney companies. This is one of the many reasons why people seek the services of rubbish removal. Additionally, these companies understand the best ways of disposing of these wastes either by dumping in landfills, incinerating or recycling. Therefore, when seeking these services, we believe that the rubbish will be appropriately handled without causing harm to the environment, human beings, and animal species. However, there are those rubbish removal Sydney companies that do not treat the customers or collected rubbish as recommended.

    · Their reputation: It is easy to identify a rubbish elimination Sydney Company that has a good reputation and one that does not. Information about a company's reputation can be obtained from friends and relatives. Their feedback provides accurate information on the effectiveness and overall customer service of the company's employees. Additionally, a firm that has created a strong online presence. Checking the feedback from the past customers on the site.

    · Promptness in responding to customers calls: A junk disposal Sydney Company needs to invest in reliable employees who understand the need for prioritizing the needs of their customers. When clients call to ask something about the removal services and their calls go unanswered, they are a proof of unreliability. The promptness also extends to the time they take to the place to remove the garbage. If the company takes more than three days to respond to, or show up to, the site. Clients' dislike such delays especially when they intend to put the trashed space into useful use.

    · Methods of dealing with the collected garbage: It is essential to choose a trash disposal Sydney Company that uses eco-friendly practices of disposing of wastes . Good companies begin by sorting the scraps into different categories; say the recyclables, those going to charity and those to be eliminated by either dumping or incineration. Dumping should only be done in the recommended landfills. Customers prefer companies that dump their garbage responsibly.

    · Excellent communication skills with customers: Some debris removal Sydney companies' staff take time to explain to their customers. That way, they keep different trash bins for keeping the organic and non-organic wastes.


    When looking for an excellent rubbish removal, Sydney Company, ensure that you take the cost factors as well.

    Even though a huge portion of earth's population drinks wine, a lot of us haven't any clue what’s actually inside the jar in front a person. But the simple fact is that there are over ten thousand unique grape varieties which may be made to wine, and heaps of countries producing wines of every shape and size.

    … and color.

    Wines, you notice, don't just come in white and reddish. In addition they arrive in sorted colors of pink and also orange and brownish (but we're getting way ahead of ourselves).

    The simple fact is that the area of wine is unknown and misunderstood by the typical wine consumer.

    What exactly is an aspiring wine lover to accomplish when faced with mountains of drinking options from your wine shop?

    Here is a suggestion from Dawine: don't stay on your rut. Not that there is anything wrong with either of those grape varieties. However, in the event you'd like to find a happy medium between the ignorant wine consumers, and also the Know-it-all wine snob, then here's what you need to do:

    Know some basic rules

    It's commonly known that white wines go with fish and white meat, and that red wines choose red meat. But that is merely the start of narrative. Wines that are created to move along with food have a significant selection of capabilities. In fact, it is possible to come across excellent pairings that totally go against the conventional wisdom and old school rules. So rather than pairing predicated on color, try contemplating dominant tastes in the weight and texture of a certain dish… and then find wines that work well in combination with those traits.

    What does that mean? Well how about pairing an earthy, soulful salmon and mushroom dish with and earthy, soulful Pinot Noir? Blasphemy? Not in the modern wine world.

    Know it is ok to not know

    Too a lot of us feel as we will need to posture concerning our wine wisdom and wine encounter. You notice that sommelier heading toward the dining table and you also start grasping for wine words that you see in a magazine or attempt to impersonate a spectacle you saw in a picture.

    Look, not many people are anticipated to be conscious of wine. And the sommelier isn't there to quiz you on your knowledge. They have been there to assist you in making great decisions that fit your taste and budget. So do yourself a favor and small up and get several questions for those who will need to.

    Love the experience

    Wine does not have to be approached academically by most people. So don't be concerned about studying up, and focus on appreciating the wine experience.

    Observe those characteristics you prefer and what that you do not like… and utilize that new knowledge to maximize your potential pleasure by researching more and new wines that fit your preferences.

    If your doctor says that you have varicose veins, it means that your blood veins have become dilated and blood has overfilled them. They, therefore, look swollen and develop a bluish-purple color and in some cases red color. This condition is common in women and appears on the lower legs. The good news is that the condition is not severe, but it can lead to other complications in some individuals. Before you start wondering how the situation came up or the remedy for it, let’s help you understand the condition, its causes, symptoms, treatment and everything related to the disease.

    • The causes: Varicosities are as a result of weakened veins in the legs. It means that they fail to work usually resulting in the accumulation of blood and pressure in the affected area. As such, these vessels become not only weak but also large and twisted. Some people develop this condition because it’s in their family. Other causes include aging, being pregnant or overweight or spending most of your time standing or sitting. Standing or sitting for long periods causes pressure to build up in the legs and ankle region. The symptoms of varicoses are readily detectable because the dilated veins are visible and at times discolored. Some patients experience pain and burning sensation around the affected area. In severe cases, the vessels bleed and may lead to ulcers.

    • Diagnosis of the condition: Doctors examine the varicose capillaries when the patient is either seated or standing. They also enquire about other symptoms such as pain in the affected area. In some cases, doctors perform ultrasounds to assess the blood flow around these veins. The severity of some patients’ condition may call for a venogram to make a further assessment of their veins. The venogram is more or less like an x-ray; the only difference is that a particular dye must be injected into the legs. The ultrasound and venogram tests are conducted by theveininstitute to ascertain that the swelling of the veins is not caused by other disorders such as blood clot.

    • Treatment of varicose vessels: Before employing advanced procedures of removing the swollen veins, most doctors recommend a lifestyle change in the form of regular exercises to enhance blood circulation, losing weight for the obese and eating a healthy diet at all times and most importantly, avoidance of standing for too long. In other cases, doctors recommend the wearing of compression stockings. These techniques prevent the swelling in non-patients and prevent the formation of new ones in those who are already affected.

    • Advanced treatment procedures: the severity of the varicose veins determines the kind of treatment one receives. Therefore, if the condition becomes severe, the doctor may recommend a surgical procedure to remove the swelling. Other forms of treatment include laser surgery, endoscopic vein surgery, and sclerotherapy and endovenous ablation therapy.


    After the choice of an appropriate method for the removal of the varicose veins, it is essential to follow the doctor’s instructions on the after-care treatment keenly.


    I look inside myself and see my heart is black
    I see my red door and it has been painted black
    Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts
    It's not easy facin' up when your whole world is black

    (c) The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black

    Я люблю девушек, которые гуляют одни. Или сидят одни в кафе, покупают один билет в кино, бродят в одиночку по музеям. Таких много. К счастью. И они мне нравятся вовсе не потому, что с ними можно познакомиться, раз они одни и у них, возможно, нет пары. Нет. Я люблю наблюдать за ними со стороны. Не тревожить.

    Я писал уже, одинокие женщины – это прекрасно. Для девушки одиночество — это всегда познание самой себя. Я «за» то, чтобы девушки оставались одинокими, как можно дольше. Через это одиночество они приобретают свой уникальный внутренний мир, а не растворяются в мире партнера. Когда встречаешь женщину, за плечами которой годы без длительных партнерских отношений – это всегда очень интересный и разносторонний человек. Особенный.

    Так вот, эти одинокие девушки в городе прекрасны. У них почти всегда наушники или стаканчик с кофе. И еще одна деталь, которая очень сильно отличает их от всех других: у них очень серьезные выражения лиц. Когда с подругой, или с парнем, или с коллегой – там всегда что-то приветливое, общительное. Такое «выражение лица для других». Реакция. А когда девушка сидит одна или гуляет по улице – там совсем другая эмоция. Внутрь себя. Или в музыку.

    Еще кажется, что они всегда слушают что-то классное. Вроде, Norah Jones «Those sweet words» и U2 «I still haven’t found what i’m looking for». Что-то такое с запахом винила, а не плейлистов AppleMusic. Или такие песни, к которым приклеен шлейф из эмоций и образов. Alanis Morissette «Crazy». И сразу Дьявол носит Prada. Сразу клип, где она идет по городу.

    Или, её же «Uninvited». Самая красивая грустная песня в мире. Она проникает в тебя и будоражит каждую частичку твоего тела. Это как терапия против грусти. Садишься на закате, включаешь её и она забирает себе всю грусть. Просто вырывает её из тебя и уносит куда-то за горизонт.

    А может и что-то совсем с другого края. Eminem «Beautiful», например. Девушки, которые слушают Eminem всегда крутые. Это закон.

    Или что-то наше. Сплин «Письмо».
    Всадник замер, замер всадник. Реке стало тесно в русле.
    Кромки-грани. Я люблю, не нуждаясь в ответном чувстве.

    Шикарная поэзия, да? По-моему, один из лучших образов Питера в музыке и стихах. Очень атмосферная песня. Или Океан Ельзи «Відпусти». Земфиру еще. «Не отпускай», «Трафик». Много вариантов.

    Это часто грустные песни. Лиричные. Ведь одиночество – это, вроде как, отрицательная эмоция. Мы сторонимся её. Для нас, быть одной или одному – это неправильно. Но, знаете, наблюдая за этими женщинами в городе, я не вижу, почему, одиночество — это плохо. Настолько они мне кажутся красивыми. Нетронутыми.

    Нет, я не призываю всех быть одиночками. Я имею ввиду, почему, если мы в какой-то момент жизни остались один на один с самим собой – мы начинаем переживать. Почему гулять одной, а не с подругой – это обязательно хуже. Почему, возвращаться домой, где нет никого – это грустно. Вот это всё.

    Почему период нашей жизни, когда мы, по каким-то причинам, еще не нашли того, с кем готовы быть много и часто – это плохой период и нужно быстрей его закончить.

    Я вот думаю, это просто период. Не хуже и не лучше. Для каждого он свой. И по времени, и по содержанию. Но он определенно важный для жизни каждого из нас. Особенно в современной жизни, где нас разрывают на части эмоции, продиктованные другими людьми. Это важно иметь время остаться с самим собой. Прогуляться с музыкой или посидеть на закате один на один с солнцем.

    Поэтому, я так люблю одиноких женщин. Мне кажется, что в этом кафе, попивая свой одинокий кофе и всматриваясь куда-то сквозь витрину, они пытаются различить что-то важное для себя. Задаться вопросами, от которых мы обычно прячемся. Они смелые женщины. А смелость, как это не странно прозвучит, это очень женская черта.

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    If I give you a watch, it's expensive and waterproof.Would you put her in the water?Maybe I didn't dare, though I was sure, but I didn't want to be a part of my curiosity, which would really ruin something good.

    But, dare the child, a ten year old dare.The grown-ups told her that the watch was expensive and really expensive, because she was waterproof.Therefore, you must keep good and do not fall out of the water.Well, what a chaotic logic.

    One day, a group of children together, they all showed their watches, red, yellow, green, all kinds of colors mixed, good-looking very.One of them held up his watch and said that mine was waterproof. I didn't believe you to see it. The watch had sunk to the bottom.Take it out and drop the water, but the needle is still going!

    A little girl, her eyes stare blankly wave stare blankly blinked a few times, you looked at the wrist that piece of pink watch, still go, show a very 045 time six point three seconds, she paused, raised his right hand to take off the watch, suddenly remind of mother once said to her, this watch is waterproof, very expensive, very expensive, don't throw in the water.This moment, she hesitated two minutes, want to throw water, like other friends, helplessly watch the ability of the watch waterproof, but also afraid to break the home mother to blame her.She, silent all the time, suddenly took off her watch and threw it into the water.Quickly take it out, the time goes on, the hands still turn.She lifted the water meter excitedly, like a track and field winner holding a mobile gold medal, and I won.It's really waterproof.Ha ha!

    Pack your bags and wear your watch and go home!

    I imagined the little girl coming home.The girl excited to tell mother, mother a face surprise, suddenly face green.

    You, dare how so big, who let you drop in, if true bad what do you do?A: why don't you kids listen to me?

    I, mom, it's really waterproof. It's ok!

    You, disobedient, unexpectedly not obedient.

    So why did mom buy such an expensive waterproof watch?

    " Mom said.Well, then you can't throw the water!I can't do that any more!

    The simple conversation turned back.Mother's logic never breaks.

    The notes

    I wonder where the problem is, the whole thing.

    When the mother, spend that big price, buy the so-called waterproof watch to give the child, in the heart really what is the intention?Waterproof, but not water.This is a complete adult concern and vanity.Just want to show it to you.

    The child?Watch time, waterproof, that means of course you can play with your watch and water, it's that simple!

    If one day you see a child with a wristband, show his wrist watch, say see my mother bought my waterproof watch, waterproof?

    Do you dare to let it go?

    This, of course, is not necessary.Then turn around and walk away.

    Don't be surprised, this behavior, the action, must not be for no reason, this all, there is a trace, the answer is his parents.

    The world of children is so simple and simple, but as long as doping a little bit of the so-called adult world, the child is also suddenly not like a child, but feel like an adult is dull.

    Sometimes, we do pay our dues to pursue more and more, but never think about it. Do we need it?What do we do with these things?If it's just to think that one day you can come out and compete with someone, you don't have to.

    If you need to, go for it.When he found it, he went with him.

    Needless to say, I am not rare, even if others have said so.

    In this way, there are not so many entanglements and hesitations like waterproof watches in life

    Been waiting on that sunshine boy, I think I need that back Can't do it like that No one else gonna get it like that So I argue, you yell But you take me back Who cares when it feels like crack? Boy you know that you always do it right Man, fuck your pride Just take it on back, boy take it on back boy Take it back all night Just take it on back, take it on back Mmm, do what you gotta do, keep me up all night Hurting vibe, man, and it hurts inside when I look you in your eye What are you willing to do Oh tell me what you’re willing to do? (Kiss it, kiss it better, baby) Oh what are you willing to do? Oh, tell me what you’re willing to do? Kiss it, kiss it better, baby