Какой-то ком: физический и моральный. Каждый вечер я засыпаю, прокручивая тексты в голове, прокручивая мысли, которым не суждено быть высказанными.

Какой-то ком, не от обиды, от тяготения человеком даже. И уже как-то стало некрасиво прощаться по-английски, и еще пока не стало красиво отодвигать человека назад на расстояние вытянутой руки.

Я уговариваю себя, уговариваю себя. Хороший человек. Хороший. Я в это верю, но я не хочу уговаривать себя. Я не хочу жить с ощущением и установкой "ничего лучше не будет", даже если и правда не будет. И это какая-то странная, временная штука — ведь интересные мне в данный момент тоже когда-то могут оказаться в таком же положении. Но сейчас мы с ними на равных. Но сейчас мне с ними интересно.

А с ними — нет.

I’m not your friend

Or anything, damn

You think that you’re the man

I think, therefore, I am

I’m not your friend

Or anything, damn

You think that you’re the man

I think, therefore, I am

Stop, what the hell are you talking about? Ha

Get my pretty name out of your mouth

We are not the same with or without

Don’t talk ’bout me like how you might know how I feel

Top of the world, but your world isn’t real

Your world’s an ideal

I’m sorry

#друзья #рефлексия #дневник а #писатель а

1. Have you ever met someone famous?

Может, пару раз, но не вижу смысла называть имена.

2. Would you like to be famous?

Скорее нет, чем да. Если бы не отсутствие границ и личной жизни, и необоснованные критика и ненависть, которые обрушиваются на знаменитостей, я была бы не против.

3. If you could change one thing that happened, what would it be?

Наверное, я бы сделала так, чтобы президентом стал кто-то другой, не гомофоб, не сексист, просто продвинутый и амбициозный человек, с твердой этической позицией и так далее. Кто-то вроде Короля Рамы 9.

4. If you could live anywhere, where would that be?

Мне повезло, и я уже живу там, где хотела бы жить, в Тае. Это место далеко от идеала, но мне здесь невероятно хорошо. Вторым местом была бы, возможно, Америка, хотя их дорогая медицина и страховка меня смущают, так как мне очень часто приходится обращаться к врачам, и это я еще “молодая и здоровая”…

5. Have you ever been in the snow?

Нет, и не хотела бы.

6. Who would be your ideal partner?

Мой партнер и так почти идеален. Для меня важно, чтобы в отношениях было доверие, открытость, частые признания в любви, забота и поддержка, но при этом уважение свободы другого человека. И дополнительным плюсом идет офигенный секс.

7. Do you still have your childhood teddy bear?

Все мои игрушки остались дома, пока я не попросила маму привезти мне какого-нибудь мишку из детства, и она привезла (правда того, что она выбрала, я не особо помню, но все равно приятно, потому что мама сшила его сама).

8. How many pairs of shoes do you have?

Около 15-20, и это жесть, конечно, учитывая, что я регулярно ношу только пару-тройку из них.

9. Favorite holiday: beach, mountain or city?

Честно говоря, мне нравится все из этого. Но конкретно сейчас я бы с удовольствием уехала в горы, давно такого отдыха не было, а это офигенно.

10. Do you like TV talent shows?

Не фанатка, но иногда смотрела отрывки шоу талантов на Ютуб, и даже до сих пор слушаю пару исполнительниц оттуда (типа Сьюзан Бойл и еще кого-то из Польши, но забыла имя)

11. What's your opinion on reality TV shows?

Зависит от тематики. Например, мне понравилось австралийское реалити шоу про отели - Instant hotel, несмотря на то что это все постановка и вся драма там наиграна. Еще из недавно увиденных - The final table, кулинарный конкурс с профессиональными поварами, суперское качество и исполнение. Вообще кулинарные конкурсы, типа Sugar rushили Million pound menu, это моя слабость, так что даже если качество шоу не очень, я все равно наслаждаюсь просмотром.

12. Do you like scary movies?

Да, но только такие ужастики, которые пугают атмосферой и ситуацией в целом, а не тупо громкими и резкими звуками. Но больше люблю триллеры и психологические ужасы с медленным развитием сюжета, типа Stepfather, Gerald’s game, Gone girl, Veronica, Psycho и так далее.

13. Have you ever fired a real gun?

Да, однажды ходила в тир и стреляла из револьвера, но не помню, где это было. Вообще ощущение, что это было во сне, так что очевидно, что меня тема оружия не привлекает. Я больше хочу пойти на бокс или какие-то другие боевые искусства.

14. Last film you watched ?

Я не могу вспомнить ни одного фильма, как ни странно, но зато на ум приходит куча сериалов. Последнее, что смотрела сегодня с бойфрендом, это The Glitch. Не супер, но смотреть можно. До этого еще был The Good Place и You, оба классные и могу посоветовать. Первый с туповатым юмором и очень легкий, а второй может быть триггерным, про преследование и абьюзивные отношения.

15. Do you like rollercoasters?

Да, правда давно не каталась, последний раз это было года четыре-пять назад в парке аттракционов в Германии, куда мы ездили с родными на велосипедах. Очень крутое путешествие, и я надеюсь его повторить.

16. Have you ever cried at a film?

О боже, да, постоянно. Как трагедии, так и счастливые моменты вызывают у меня слезы. У меня сейчас трудный период, и я даже отрезала себя от чтения новостей и вообще любых информационных блогов, но над фильмами и сериалами продолжаю рыдать, и мне это нравится. Потому что приятно знать, что это всего лишь фантазия.

Любить человека за достоинства презренно и человечно, говорит она вам, любить за недостатки — божественно. Любить достойных эгоистично, любить недостойных жертвенно. Вы должны любить тех, кто этого не заслуживает, и чем меньше они этого заслуживают, тем больше вы должны их любить, чем отвратительнее предмет, тем благороднее ваша любовь, чем непритязательнее ваша любовь, тем выше ваша добродетель, и если вы способны довести свою душу до состояния мусорной кучи, которая одинаково принимает все, что угодно, если можете перестать ценить моральные ценности, значит, вы достигли морального совершенства.
Такова ваша жертвенная мораль, таковы близкие идеалы, которые она предлагает: переделать жизнь своего тела по образу человеческого скотного двора, переделать жизнь своего духа по образу мусорной кучи.


10 дней – 10 фильмов, которые на тебя повлияли

1. Requiem for a Dream, 2000

После этого фильма я еще несколько минут прихожу в себя, каждый раз.

2. American History X, 1998

Фильм, который прочно взрывает мой мозг каждый раз. Очень тяжелый.

3. Gone Girl, 2014

Любимый психологический триллер. На мой взгляд, вполне жизненный.

4. Bоуs Dоn't Сrу, 1999

О парне в теле девушки. Очень тяжелая драма, я после просмотра была в шоке и еще раз убедилась, что многие, очень многие мужчины - настоящие монстры.

5. Gran Torino, 2008

Отличный фильм с Клинтом Иствудом. Грустный.

6. Wicker Park, 2004

Тоже психологический триллер об отношениях. Классный сюжет.

7. Perfetti sconosciuti, 2016

Как много мы порой не знаем о близких людях.

8 . Shutter Island, 2010

Психологический триллер с Лео. Что еще нужно? Концовка взрывает мозг.

9. Dolores Claiborne, 1995

Одна из любимых стареньких экранизаций по Кингу. Оказывается, он неплохо понимал мир женщины, если можно так выразиться. Отличный фильм. Смотреть всем девушкам обязательно. И не только. Блестящая актерская игра Кэти Бэйтс.

10. Eden Lake, 2008

Один из любимых фильмов ужасов. Тут нет монстров. Здесь монстры - люди. Очень тяжелый эмоционально фильм, после которого я еще три дня не могла прийти в себя. Смотрела один раз и больше никогда его не буду пересматривать. Но не потому, что плохой фильм, а потому что мне больно.

The NDIS is one of the forms of reform or help. With the support of NDIS, handicapped children, grownups, adults may all work as their own aspirations in life. Exactly like NDIS, a number of different organizations are focusing on providing a much better life for those who have disabilities including kids, adults and elder citizens. However, as a normal people, do we handle handicapped individuals appropriately in our everyday life? It's somehow a harsh fact that discrimination does not exist within our society. That happens because we do not know. There are few items NDIS provider kids with handicap expect from this planet, for example:


All handicapped people from kids to mature has got the fear of confronting people. As in the modern world, human beings have been projected as ideal physically, there's absolutely no space for individuals with physical deformity. We are all inclined to deal with physically challenge individuals with empathy. The very last thing a handicapped individual would anticipate is somebody feeling shame for them. Showing sympathy is the function as the most debilitating and debilitating way to take care of a disabled individual. Rather than feeling sorry for them, we have to take them for. Make them feel necessary and we have to make them understand that their disability is not something to become worried or embarrassed.


We ought to honor and treat fairly. Though they give particular hospitality because of their nature, they nevertheless have to be treated just like any other individual. As an example, if you're speaking to somebody with hearing handicap, avoid crying at them while speaking, rather talk lightly and let them watch your face. Learn how to respect their private space. By way of instance, do not push an individual's wheelchair without their consent, they may not want to help you at the moment. Aside from that, always include them in discussions, do not neglect their remarks. Simply since they are disabled, that does not mean that they do not anything to say.


Whether it's psychological or physical support is the one which each disabled person would anticipate. We have to give them inspiration to try in their lifetime. Do not body pity, condemn, bully, tease or offer. Empty guides about the might have and should have. It's not necessary to always help if you find a physically challenging person. A world of encouragement. Do not hurt their feelings and ruin their self-respect to boost their own confident. Do not hurt their feelings and ruin their self-respect by not supplying them moral NDIS provider offers support.

Disability is not a curse, it's the gift given by god. It's extremely easy to judge an individual by using their handicap, but it's difficult to live their lifetime. Do not clip their wings due to their handicap, rather have them fly outside their limits.

Finding the right or the ideal caterer is very important because it is essential in ensuring that the event or the party will be a successful one. Whether you are planning a simple gathering with friends, an intimate reunion with your family and relatives or a great celebration, where you will be invited by a reliable caterer. You can not expect to have a fun-filled and memorable party if you try and do everything on your own. You will definitely need assistance from professional staff and from trustworthy.

There are a few things that you need to know when hiring paella party catering services. First, you have a lot of companies that can offer you with this type of service. You can try and do some internet research. If you check out the list of caterers in your area, you might get overwhelmed by the numbers. To help you with this, here are a few things that you need to do first:

Make a List of Questions- You have to prepare for a series of questions. Here are some of the things that you might want to ask these companies:

  • How much does your services cost?
  • Do you offer promos or packages?
  • What are included in your services?
  • Do you offer other services like venue styling, etc?
  • Do you provide your clients with a contract?
  • When is the payment needed for your service? Is there a reservation fee? Do you require an initial deposit?

Think about Your Demands- When we say demands, this includes the amount of food and drinks to be served. Think about what type of paella do you want to have. Is there a specific food item that you want to include on the menu? Do you want to cross out a particular item like seafood because you want to avoid food allergies? How long will you need the caterer's services? Make sure to finalize all of these. Then, they can tell you.

Check out their Reputation- This has something to do with evaluating the quality of their work. This is not only their quality. The way they are. You can easily check this out. Check out the Facebook reviews or look for mentions on Twitter. There are tons of reviews that you can check there. If not, you can visit online review sites such as Yelp or Better Business Bureau. There, you can check out how people check out which catering service providers are best rated or liked by the reviewers.

When you think of wine delivery Shanghai as a gift to a friend or loved one, there are many reasons why it makes the perfect gift. It can be presented on a birthday, an anniversary, a milestone, as a thank you gesture, engagement, or any other occasion. What makes things even more interesting is that you can find so many different options that there is something special for every occasion.

Occasions for a Wine Gift

There are many occasions when a bottle of wine can make the perfect gift.

• Friends-Giving: Your friend’s favourite wine can make the perfect gift for friends-giving. The gift can be properly boxed to ensure that there is no shattering.

• New Parents: When you want to present something special to new parents, you should consider intoxicant order Shanghai that lasts for long. Some of the options include Auslese, Chenin Blanc, Muscat, or German Riesling. The wines can age for decades and you shouldn’t be surprised if they would preserve it for the next generation.

• Anniversary: When it comes to anniversaries, champagnes make the perfect gift. And you can make it even more special by offering rose champagne. It is great to taste and looks elegant. And if someone is celebrating a work-related anniversary, consider giving them a magnum.

• Engagement: When it is an engagement, sparkling wine can be the perfect toast for the couple to start their new life. Choose from a wide range of flavours and bottle designs to ensure that they match the occasion. You can customise the gift with the date in a special font that makes the couple feel special. And it is highly likely that they are going to keep the gift forever.

• A Milestone: It can be anything. The person may have achieved something significant in life, published a book or done something big. If it is time to celebrate, you can deliver wine Shanghai to celebrate the moment. Choose a classic red wine that age well such as Napa or Bordeaux.

• Housewarming: When a friend is a young man who buys a new house, it is one of the most important moments in their life. Make it even more special by congratulating them with alcohol shipping Shanghai. A perfect gift can be a great way to honor their accomplishment. Red wine can make the ideal gift and you can personalize it to make them feel more special. And the bottle is surely going to find a place in the new home.

• A Wine Aficionado: If your friend is a wine aficionado, a bottle of exotic wine can be the perfect gift on any important occasion in their life. In this case, you would want to deliver liquor Shanghai that is special. For example, Nerello Mascalese is one of the most sought-after premium wines among wine geeks.


You can also consider gifting wine as a thank-you gesture to a teacher, friend, or a mentor. A bottle of wine can also make the perfect gift for someone who has found a new job or is celebrating their retirement or birthday. Thus, there are many reasons why wine delivery.

Skilled wedding photographers in Sydney do a lot more than shoot images; they utilize their expertise and training to continually catch those magical moments in a wedding. When you have tried using the service of an expert photographer, you will recognize that.

However, how would you locate an expert photographer that is ideal for your upcoming wedding? Listed below are the 10 main questions that we urge you inquire potential photographers while doing your hunt:

1. Have you been really insured?

In case the response is "yes, " ask as many questions as you need to ascertain whether the partnership is ideal for you personally. In case the response is still "no, " nevertheless, do not push through! Find yet another photographer. What happens in the event that you employ a friend of your close friend and he trips, injured himself or even broke his brand-new camera? You have to get shielded.

2. How about your credentials and background?

Let’s say that you are in a job interview, but this time assign yourself as the interviewer. Do not hesitate about asking the photographer about these concerns:

—Just how long are you a photographer?

—Where did you obtain your photography training?

—What do professional photographic organizations you participate in?

—Are you a licensed photographer?

—Have you got a degree in photography?

—Have you ever won any contests?

The experts have standards to maintain and membership in professional institutions. Whenever you decide on somebody who's licensed or retains a qualification in photography, then you are starting the hunt with calibre. Experts have exceptional abilities and trained in artistry and technology, therefore they understand just how to create exquisite graphics which reflect precisely the image you would like to depict.

3. Can I see your portfolio?

A real professional won't have any trouble offering as many references as you want from prior customers, spouses and also fellow photographers. Make sure you telephone the testimonials and discover their feedback on the photographer. Can the photographer catch the mood of your event within her or his photos? Well, he must because this is what he was paid for.

4. How can you discover this distinct photographer?

Ask to view samples from a whole photography session or some selection of photographs from a number of diverse sessions to receive a feeling of security of a photographer's work. This will reveal to you how creative the photographer will be and inform you whether he or she's always good…or simply blessed from time to time.

By entrusting your photos to a skilled artist like At Dusk in Sydney, you will receive exactly what you purchase! An avowed photographer is undoubtedly being a greater level of confidence and knows that your photos are in good hands. Certainly, you are searching for, and almost certainly, love!

Bear in mind, everyone can have a great picture once in a while. However, while you've just got one chance to catch life's most significant moments.

Skilled wedding photographers in Sydney do a lot more than shoot images; they utilize their expertise and training to continually catch those magical moments in a wedding. When you have tried using the service of an expert photographer, you will recognize that.

However, how would you locate an expert photographer that is ideal for your upcoming wedding? Listed below are the 10 main questions that we urge you inquire potential photographers while doing your hunt:

1. Have you been really insured?

In case the response is "yes, " ask as many questions as you need to ascertain whether the partnership is ideal for you personally. In case the response is still "no, " nevertheless, do not push through! Find yet another photographer. What happens in the event that you employ a friend of your close friend and he trips, injured himself or even broke his brand-new camera? You have to get shielded.

2. How about your credentials and background?

Let’s say that you are in a job interview, but this time assign yourself as the interviewer. Do not hesitate about asking the photographer about these concerns:

—Just how long are you a photographer?

—Where did you obtain your photography training?

—What do professional photographic organizations you participate in?

—Are you a licensed photographer?

—Have you got a degree in photography?

—Have you ever won any contests?

The experts have standards to maintain and membership in professional institutions. Whenever you decide on somebody who's licensed or retains a qualification in photography, then you are starting the hunt with calibre. Experts have exceptional abilities and trained in artistry and technology, therefore they understand just how to create exquisite graphics which reflect precisely the image you would like to depict.

3. Can I see your portfolio?

A real professional won't have any trouble offering as many references as you want from prior customers, spouses and also fellow photographers. Make sure you telephone the testimonials and discover their feedback on the photographer. Can the photographer catch the mood of your event within her or his photos? Well, he must because this is what he was paid for.

4. How can you discover this distinct photographer?

Ask to view samples from a whole photography session or some selection of photographs from a number of diverse sessions to receive a feeling of security of a photographer's work. This will reveal to you how creative the photographer will be and inform you whether he or she's always good…or simply blessed from time to time.

By entrusting your photos to a skilled artist like At Dusk in Sydney, you will receive exactly what you purchase! An avowed photographer is undoubtedly being a greater level of confidence and knows that your photos are in good hands. Certainly, you will possess the graphics you are searching for, and almost certainly, love!

Bear in mind, everyone can have a great picture once in a while. However, while you've just got one chance to catch life's most significant moments, you ensure the man behind the camera would be a master.

Choosing what type of massage is best for you personally is not usually a very simple undertaking. On average, massage specialists will concentrate on a focused or complete body massage therapy. It is excellent for you to select one of the best massage therapies for you as per your needs. Many of people prefer to get full body massage service for them.

Directed treatments concentrate on a particular area of the body that needs rubbing. We frequently define these ranges as trigger points. When they are massaged legitimately they release any developed bunches of muscle tissue which have been activating distress and agony in different portions of the human anatomy. Be as it may, massages are not done exclusively for pain alleviation. Reflexology may be your demo of massage for focusing on particular areas in your own body to help in directing your own body frameworks.

This kind of massage isn't for diminishing torment, but rather to make your whole body more capable from side to side. Another focused in massage therapy program concentrates on the cranial sacral region of the physique. This alludes to your head and neck. It's best in mending TMJD, cerebral distress, and neck and back distress. Directed massage treatment is excellent for anyone with a particular variety of distress.

Swedish Massage: Once we typically imagine massages, the huge majority imagine full body massage approaches. A Swedish massage is also an exceptionally mainstream treatment system which includes rubbing against the profound tissues in the system. This guides in discharging any metabolic wastes and tight muscles which might distress you. It additionally realigns your whole skeletal frame and enhances your general movement. This massaging technique works by using prolonged strokes, kneading and friction with the fundamental purpose of boosting circulation and promoting comfort. The level of pressure can be soft, moderate to hard. Check out spa services at FleurDeLysMedispa in Sydney and experience their best.

Sports Massage: It's similar to a Swedish massage, however, it's equipped more towards athletic or exceptionally energetic individuals. The last sort of full body massage treatment is outfitted towards particular conditions. For instance, pre-birth and geriatric clients can find massages which can be written only for them. These massages are exceptionally delicate. They concentrate on delicately discharging metabolic tight and develop muscles, while additionally tenderly realigning the patient's skeletal frame. A definitive objective as a primary concern is always to enhance the pre-birth or geriatric patient's general versatility.

So how would you decide between focused or complete body massage treatments? Decide whether you are focusing on the general health that a complete body massage offers, or around the off likelihood that you're essentially expecting to revise an area of never-ending torment or some certain condition that's significantly impacting your quality of life. Particular locales of your own body are regularly better treated through a system like reflexology. in case that you are yet uncertain about which treatment procedure is ideal for you personally, then stop into your local massage parlour and request a specialist. This expert ought to really have the capacity to figure out which procedure will be best for you personally.